Saving images using a temporary directory on the network

Using this transfer method, the image of a device is created on a (network) drive in the network and temporarily stored there. From this (network) drive, it will then be moved to the target drive.

Uses for this transfer way:

Configure Job configuration:

  1. Go to Job configuration and in the Image Service settings section, select the data transfer route Device -> Temporary data storage -> storage.
  2. Job configuration, section AUVESY Image Service settings
    Image: Job configuration, Image Service settings section

    You can specify the login information as follows:
    <Domain>\<Username> or <Computername>\<Username>

  3. In the Storage section, enter the path and the necessary login information required for the directory in which the created image is to be stored.
  4. Job configuration, Section Storage
    Image: Job configuration, Storage section

    1. In the Storage type dropdown menu, select whether it is a directory on the network to which you specify the UNC path, or whether the image is to be placed on an SFTP server.

    2. Specify the Storage location according to the selected storage type.

      • If you selected UNC, specify the UNC path to the directory.

        Format: \\server_name\share_name\path.

      • If you selected SFTP, specify the IP address of the SFTP server and the corresponding directory on the SFTP server.

        Format: sftp://Server:Port/Path/...

    3. Specify the Username and Password for the selected location.

      The specified user must have read and write permissions to the directory.

      You can specify the user name as follows:

      <domain>\<user_name> or <computer name>\<user_name>.

  5. In the Temporary storage for file transfer section, specify the storage type, location, and required credentials for the directory in which the created image is to be temporarily stored.
  6. Job configuration, section Temporary data storage for data transfer
    Image: Job configuration, Temporary data storage for file transfer section

    1. In the Storage type dropdown menu, select whether it is a directory on the network to which you specify the UNC path, or whether the image is to be placed on an SFTP server.

    2. Specify the Storage location according to the selected storage type.

      • If you selected UNC, specify the UNC path to the directory.

        Format: \\server_name\share_name\path.

      • If you selected SFTP, specify the IP address of the SFTP server and the corresponding directory on the SFTP server.

        Format: sftp://Server:Port/Path/...

    3. Specify the Username and Password for the selected location.

      The specified user must have read and write permissions to the directory.

      You can specify the user name as follows:

      <domain>\<user_name> or <computer name>\<user_name>.

  7. Confirm by clicking on OK.


Related topics
Creating images in 4 steps
Configure standard settings