Ports used as standard

  Process Listening port Incoming connections from Protocol Encryption Description
octoplant Server VDogBouncer.exe 64001 octoplant Clients Proprietary TLS1.2 Contact point for AdminClient or configuration management
  VDogBouncer.exe 64002 octoplant Clients Proprietary TLS1.2 Check-In and Check-Out versions
  VDogBouncer.exe 64003 octoplant Clients Proprietary TLS1.2 Scheduler for backup jobs
  VDogBouncer.exe 64004 octoplant Clients Proprietary TLS1.2 API mapping of operating system functions
  VDogApi.exe 64023 octoplant Clients HTTP2.0 TLS1.3

Client authentication

The hub uses the API interface port to find all of the other ports that it requires.

Agent VDogUploadAgent 64010 octoplant Server Proprietary TLS1.2 Execute uploads via the octoplant server from the agent
  VDogCompareAgent 64011 octoplant Server Proprietary TLS1.2 Execution comparisons via the octoplant server from the agent
Gateway VDogGateway 64012 Depending on use Proprietary Depending on use. Forwards communication between the octoplant server, clients or PLC (depending on the configuration)

Modifying standard ports

The ports shown above are the default ports configured for a standard octoplant server. These ports may be changed.

To change any port number, follow this procedure:

  1. Stop the VDogMasterService service.

  2. In your vdServerArchive folder, open the file \VD$A\Configuration\csc.ini.

    Every process that listens to a port has a section.

    Change the key 4852 in the corresponding section to the new port number.

    For example, if you want to change the port of the VDogAPI process to port 64024, the section in the ini file should look something like this:





  3. Change your firewall configuration to allow the communication through the new port. See your local system administrator to do that.

  4. Restart the VDogMasterService service again.

Process/ Service Local address Remote address Protocol Remote ports Local ports Changeable port Description
Hypertext Transfer protocol octoplant Server - TCP TCP 80 Dynamic port range No data  
Microsoft Active Directory-domain services, Windows shared folder octoplant Server - TCP TCP 445 Dynamic port range No data  
NetBIOS Name Service octoplant Server - UDP UDP 137 Dynamic port range No data  
NetBIOS Session Service octoplant Server - TCP TCP 139 Dynamic port range No data  
VDogAdminServer.exe/ VDogToDoServer.exe octoplant Server / Agent SMTP TCP TCP 25 Dynamic port range No data  


Image: Required ports