Job-Trigger via OPC UA

OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is a standard for data exchange and makes it possible not only to transport machine data (control variables, measured values, parameters, etc.) but also to describe them in a machine-readable (semantic) form.

Image: Logo Job Trigger via OPC UA

octoplant supports OPC UA as a client-server-architecture. This tutorial will outline the scenario where the OPC UA server runs on the PLC and octoplant acts as OPC UA Client. In this case, it is possible to trigger a job in octoplant via a variable on the PLC using OPC UA.

There are a number of possible use cases where a octoplant job can be executed directly from the PLC via a variable rather than scheduled or manually. A few examples are:

For this purpose, an OPC UA Client was integrated into the octoplant server. This client communicates with an OPC server that cyclically reads the controllers that are intended to be backed up and provides the values of the trigger variables to the octoplant server.

The following diagram shows in which environments the job trigger can be used via OPC UA

Image: Integration job trigger via OPC UA

In this tutorial:

Last updated: 14 January 2022