Quicksave tab

Image: Client Settings dialog, Quick Save tab

If the Quicksave being created has the same checksum as the previous one:

When you create a quicksave, octoplant compares the checksum of the files that you want to save with those of the previous quicksave. Here, you can specify how to proceed if the checksums are equal. You have the options that the quick save is created or not created anyway, or that a dialog is opened where the user can decide this in the specific case.

When the limit for allowed Quicksaves per component is reached:

The maximum number of quick saves is configured in the Global Settings in the AdminClient. For more information, see the AdminClient tutorial.

Here, you can set what should happen when this maximum number is reached. You have the options that the oldest quick save is deleted in this case, or that a dialog is opened, in which the user can then decide in the specific case.


Related topics

AdminClient -> Module Global settings

UserClient -> Quicksave