Notify via email on Check-In and Check-Out of components

You can set up that selected users or groups receive an email when a component is checked in or out. This is possible directly when creating the component or later on.

  1. In the ribbon, click on New component in the Edit tab, or select a Component in the Project tree and then Edit component configuration.
  2. The dialog Create component or Edit component configuration will then open.
  3. In the Component settings area, select the checkbox Component specific email on Check-In/ Check-Out.
  4. Select the Settings button to change further settings.
  5. The dialog Mail settings on Check-In / Check-Out will then open.

  6. Image: Dialog E-mail settings for Check-In / Check-Out

  7. In the area Send mail on, select whether the email should be sent upon Check-In or Check-Out.

  8. If you have selected Check-Out, an additional dropdown menu will be activated. Here, you can specify when an email should be sent. You can select: Always, When Component state is changed to "locked", When Component state is changed to "under development", or When Component state is changed to "locked" or "under development".
  9. In the Groups section, select the user or group of users to who the email should be sent to. This can be done by checking the checkboxes you want.
  10. Enter the addresses of email recipients, who are not octoplant users, into the field Additional email addresses. Enter multiple e-mail addresses separated by commas.

  11. Confirm by clicking on OK.

Alternatively, you can select an entire component for which you want emails to be sent out for both Check-In and Check-Out. For more information, see the tutorial AdminClient, section Component type editor. However, if the settings for the component differ from those for the corresponding component type, the component-specific properties will apply.


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AdminClient -> Component type editor module