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octoplant pro hub toolbar

In the upper right corner of the octoplant pro hub interface, you will find a toolbar of icons that can be used to access various menus.

If you move the mouse over an icon the name of the menu is displayed.

Icon Name Description
Monitoring_Center.png Monitoring Center This menu allows you to start or configure the ability to run a continuous-loop display of reports, either predefined or custom.
Help_and_Contact.png Help & Contact This menu contains a variety of links that point you towards information concerning AUVESY-MDT, Legal, Support, Services, Training courses, eAcademy, as well as links to social media websites.
Change_Language.png Change Language This menu allows you to switch between different languages.
Online_Documentation.png Online Documentation This menu selection is used to get to our online documentation. The button is context-sensitive.
Settings.png Settings This menu is for administrators and allows them to access User management, Role management, Server management, Dataset management, and License information.
Profile.png Profile This menu allows you to change your password and sign out.