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Creating synchronization job

  1. Start the AdminClient and open the Server synchronization module.
  2. Select the Create button in the menu bar on the Configure tab.
  3. The Create job wizard is started.

    Figure: Server synchronization dialog, Create a synchronization job page

  4. Select Next.

  5. The Basic configuration page opens. Here you specify the synchronization partner and can enter a comment describing the synchronization job. The synchronization direction is not yet defined.

    Figure: Server synchronization dialog, Basic configuration page

  6. Select Next.

  7. In the Account of the executing user page, enter the login information for the user under which the synchronization is to be carried out. The user must have administrative rights for both servers. The user's name and password must be the same on both servers.

    Figure: Server synchronization dialog, Account of the executing user page

  8. Select Next.

  9. In the Schedule page, define a schedule for the automatic execution of the synchronization job.

    Figure: Server synchronization dialog, Schedule page

  10. Select Next.

  11. In the On error page, specify whether and how often an attempt should be made to re-execute a failed synchronization job in the event of an error.

    Figure: Server synchronization dialog, On error page

  12. Select Next.

  13. In the Notification page, specify who should receive an email when the synchronization job has been executed.

    Figure: Server synchronization module, Notification page

  14. Select Next.

  15. In the Configuration selection dialog, specify how you want to select elements. The options Express and User-defined are available for selection.

    • Express

      In the first step, you can specify which elements are to be synchronized. Then you can specify the synchronization settings for all selected elements in a separate dialog.

    • User-defined

      With the user-defined configuration, the selection of elements and the synchronization settings are displayed in a dialog. You can define the synchronization settings for each element separately. This can lead to circular connections, especially if the synchronization job is executed several times in succession.

      The selection of the elements and the synchronization settings are described in the following sections. 1. When you have made all the settings, select Finish. 1. The job is created. The job details are displayed in the Server synchronization module.

    Figure: Server synchronization module, job details

You have the following options to change the job settings:

  • If you select the Edit job button in the menu bar, the complete Create job wizard is executed again.
  • If you click in one of the fields with the job details, only the dialog opens in which you can edit the corresponding detail.

To copy the job, select Duplicate job and edit the duplicate as desired.