Use cases
Below you will find a selection of possible practical use cases.
Case 1: Upload/Comparison with additional software
You want to perform an upload and/or a comparison. This requires additional software, e.g. the development environment for the device. One of the following problems may occur:
- The additional software may or may not be installed on the server/client.
- Different versions of the additional software are in use. However, the different versions cannot be installed on a PC system at the same time.
- There are certain requirements for the upload/comparison, e.g. SQL database server, security concepts or firewall rules.
Possible solution:
You distribute the tasks across several systems. Upload and Compare agents must be installed on each system that takes over tasks from the server/client.
Case 2: Simultaneous Upload/Comparison
You want to perform an upload and a comparison on a system at the same time. However, this is not possible, for example for technical reasons, and only one action can be performed on the system at a time. Only after one action has been completed can another be carried out.
Possible solution:
Distribute the tasks across several systems. The use of upload and compare agents makes it possible to distribute the tasks across several systems. The tasks can be executed in parallel. The processing time is reduced, results are delivered quickly and the load is distributed across several systems.
Case 3: Access to system resources that cannot be addressed via the network
You want to access system resources that cannot be addressed via the network.
Example: You want to secure an automation device that cannot be reached directly from the server via TCP/IP. The automation device is connected to a visualization device via MPI or PROFIBUS. The visualization device in turn can be reached directly by the server via TCP/IP.
Possible solution:
To gain access to system resources that cannot be addressed via the network, use upload and compare agents. The agent is installed directly on the system that has access to the desired resources. In the example case, install the agent on the visualization panel to gain access to the automation device.
Case 4: Transition to a BUS system
Situation: The transition to a BUS system (MPI/Profibus/Profinet/Modbus/...) is not possible on the Server, e.g. because the server does not have an interface card.
Possible solution: communication to the BUS system can be set up via an Agent installed on a system with the corresponding BUS interface.
Case 5: Online Backup of HMI runtimes
Situation: You want to back up HMI runtimes during operation (= online).
Possible solution: You run the online backup via HMI Upload and Compare agents. One Agent is required per HMI station.