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Job configuration documentation

The Job configuration details are written to an XML file for each job. You can version this file and compare it with the previous version of the job configuration.

The XML file can be found in the vdServerArchive directory under \\vdServerArchive\VD$A\Jobs. The name of the file is the job ID. The file contains the following two elements:

  • <GeneralInformation>
  • <SpecificInformation>

The <GeneralInformation> element includes the user name and the timestamp of the job configuration. In addition, it also includes the configurations from the General and Upload and compare sections that do not correspond to the common standard and have been changed by the user.


Figure: Job configuration, XML file, GeneralInformation element

The <SpecificInformation> element contains the upload type-specific configurations that do not correspond to the standard and have been changed by the user.


Figure: Job configuration, XML file, SpecificInformation element

These two elements are displayed in the language that was configured for the clients. The order of the elements is fixed and cannot be changed per user.