General tab
Directory for temporary files
In this section, you define in which directory temporary files are stored that are created while working with octoplant. You have the following options:
- the Windows temporary directory
- the default directory in the client archive
- a user-defined directory
You can select a path in the file system for the user-defined directory.
Language: Here you define the language in which the clients are displayed. Alternatively, you can also select the language via the dropdown menu Language in the Extras tab of the menu bar.
The language of the BackupClient is configured directly in the application itself and is independent of this.
The language of the server messages is defined in the AdminClient in the Global settings module.
Use login history for this client (last 20 max): If you select this checkbox, the last 20 logged-in users will be offered for selection in a dropdown menu in the dialog for logging into the UserClient.
- Require entry in "Changes" when creating a base version.: If you select this checkbox, a dialog will open when a base version is created in which you must enter a comment. If the checkbox is deselected, no comment is required for a base version.
- UserClient background process update interval (minutes): : Here you can specify a time interval in minutes at which the background processes of the UserClient are updated. You can select whether all components or only the selected components or the components of the selected directory should be updated.
- Show pop-up message in system tray after Check-In/Check-Out is finished: If you select this checkbox, a pop-up with a text about the result of the Check-In/Check-Out will open in the notification area (on the right-hand side of the taskbar) as soon as a component has been checked in or checked out.
File manager options
Here you can select which file manager is opened via the button or the context menu item Show in file manager or via the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E. Windows Explorer is used by default, but you can also specify the path to a different file manager.
In this section, you can specify the situations in which the system should issue warnings. You can choose from:
- When closing the UserClient or EasyClient or on Check-Out, if local changes have been made that have not yet been checked in
- When opening a component in the editor
- If button scripts are executed for more than one component
- For components with the Multi-user editing setting: If no project data is copied from the server on Check-Out