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Parameter file

The parameter file is an INI file in which settings for the export can be made. For example, can be used to set which data is to be exported or in which file it is to be stored.

You create the parameter file yourself in any text editor. The name and file extension of the parameter file can be freely selected, for example Parameter.config.ini.

The settings that can be made for all exports are listed in the following tables. The settings that only apply to individual exports can be found in the description of the respective export.

Section [User]

Key Description Values
Account User who starts the export
Domain Domain in which the user is created. This key only needs to be specified if the user is part of a domain and this was not specified when the call was made.
Password Password of the user. This key is only taken into account if the executing user is also specified in the parameter file.
PasswordMode Specifies how the password is interpreted. 0: The password is interpreted as unencrypted (Default value).
2: The password must be entered via the command line.
Token Access token of the user. The access token can be generated in the AdminClient and is required to execute the ExportModule. If a token is specified, the other login information does not need to be transferred.

Section [Common]


Report to be produced. Only one attribute is possible.

Value Description
ComponentTree Exports the Project tree
JobList Exports an overview of the jobs
JobResults Exports the job results of all jobs
UnequalJobResults Exports only the job results of the jobs, where differences were found or errors occurred.
UserManagement Exports the users and user groups
ComponentTypes Exports the component types and their configuration (name, ID, etc.).
Componentlog Exports the contents of the component log
Eventlog Exports the contents of the Event Log module
Adminlog Exports a list of changes to the AdminClient
StandardLibraryManagement Exports an overview of where which Standard blocks are used
ComponentsWithStdLibAssignments Exports an overview of the components that are linked to standard libraries.
AssetState Exports an overview of the Factory Floor Status jobs
UsageInformation Creates a usage information file


Specifies which export is to be created in which format. Not every export can be created in every format. The default value is used if ExportType is not specified in the parameter file.

Value Format Default format
ComponentTree XML or JSON XML
JobResults CSV or JSON CSV
UnequalJobResults CSV or JSON CSV
UserManagement XML or JSON XML
ComponentTypes XML or JSON XML
ComponentLog CSV or JSON CSV
Eventlog CSV or JSON CSV
Adminlog CSV or JSON CSV
StandardLibraryManagement CSV or JSON CSV
ComponentsWithStdLibAssignments CSV or JSON CSV
AssetState CSV or JSON CSV


Absolute path (with file name) of the file in which the export results are to be stored. If the file already exists, it is overwritten. If this key is not specified, the separator that was configured in the AdminClient in the Global settings module is used.


Separator between the columns in a CSV file that is output as an export result, e.g. semicolon, comma, tab or a space. To use a tab as a separator, the following values are available:

  • String TAB
  • Quotation mark + tab key + quotation mark ("⇥")
  • You can also enter a space with quotation marks (" ")


This key can only be used for the JSON export type. Specifies whether the JSON file only contains data without enclosing elements.

Value Description
Y The JSON file does not contain any enclosing elements. Example: [ { Job1 ... }, { Job2 ... } ]
N All elements in the JSON file are output. Example: { "Jobs": [ { Job1 ... }, { Job2 ... } ] }

Section [Result]

Key Values
ErrorText Errors that occurred during the export are listed here.
LastExecution Timestamp of the last executed export


The attributes marked with *(asterisk) are mandatory attributes. They must be assigned.