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Exporting assembly references for standard blocks

Exports of the StandardLibraryManagement type contain an overview of where which standard blocks are used.

The export can be output as a CSV or JSON file.

In addition to the keys described in the Parameter file section, the parameter file can also contain the following keys specifically for this export.

Key Description Value
UTC Specifies whether timestamps are to be output in local time format or in UTC. Y: Timestamps are output in UTC (default value). N: Timestamps are output in local time format.

Example call

VDogAutoExport.exe "/rd:D:\vdClientArchive" "/CFile:D:\Test\StandardLibraryManagement.ini"

Parameter file StandardLibraryManagement.ini



Overview of the columns that appear in the resulting file

Column Description
State Indicates whether a standard block is installed or not. Values: 0 = Not installed, 1 = Installed
StdLibComponent Relative path to the standard library component
StdLibCurrentVersion Current version of the standard library component
StdLibObj Name of the installed object in the standard library component
StdLibProject Name of the project in the standard library component
StdLibVersion Version of the standard library component when it was installed
StdLibVersionUserDefined User-defined version of the standard library component when it was built
StdLibComponentId ID of the standard library component
StdLibObjVersion Version of the object of the standard library component when it was built
StdLibObjCurrentVersion Current version of the object of the standard library component
PrjComponent Relative path to the project component
PrjCurrentVersion Current version of the project component
PrjObj Name of the installed object in the project component
PrjProject Name of the project in the project component
PrjVersion Version of the projectComponent when it was built
PrjVersionUserDefined User-defined version of the project component when it was built
PrjComponentId ID of the project component
CompareClass Compare class
TimeStamp Timestamp (UTC) of the moment, at which the standard library component was installed