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AutoCheckIn allows you to check in components via the command line and, if necessary, create a new Version. Master data and the component type can be changed via settings in the configuration file.

The following Command must be entered in the command line:

C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe /at:c "/rd:{vdClientArchive}" [/account:{User}] [/domain:{domain}] [/password:{password}] /CFile:d:{configuration file}

The necessary parameters and values for the command line call can be found in the following table.

Parameters Description
/rd:{ClientArchive} Fully qualified path to the client archive
/account:{user} Name of the user who performs the Check-In
Only required if the user name is not transferred in the configuration file.
/domain:{domain} Domain of the user
Only required if the user name is transferred via the Command line.
/password:{password} User's password
Only required if the user name is transferred via the command line.
/CFile:{configuration file} Fully qualified path to the configuration file
/JobConfig Indicates that a Job is to be created
> Only required if only the job configuration is to be changed and no component is to be created, no versioning and no Check-In is to be performed.

Configuration file

To check in a component via the command line, to version it or to create a job, an INI file is required for configuration. The necessary sections, keys and values of the configuration file can be found in the following table.


If a value has leading or trailing spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks in the configuration file. If a Default value is specified for a key, this key does not have to be transferred in the configuration file.

Section [User]

Key Description Values Default
Account Name of the user who carries out the Check-In.
Only required if the user name is not transferred via the command line.
Empty string
Domain Domain of the user.
Only required if the user name is also transferred in the configuration file.
Empty string
Password Password of the user.
Only required if the user name is also transferred in the configuration file
Empty string
PasswordMode Specifies how the password is to be handled.
Only required if the user name is also transferred in the configuration file.
0: The password is treated as unencrypted and transferred directly.
2: The key is ignored and the password must be entered via the command line.

Section [Component]

Key Description
Dir Relative path to the component. There is a backslash at the beginning, not at the end.
ComponentTypeId Valid component type ID with which the existing component type ID is replaced.

Section [CreateComponent]

Key Description
ComponentTypeId If the component does not yet exist, it can be created. The prerequisite for this is that a valid component type ID has been stored, which is then used as a template. If both the ComponentTypeId and ComponentId keys exist, the ComponentId key is always used (i.e. if you have entered a value for the ComponentId key, you do not need to enter a value for the ComponentTypeId key).
ComponentId If the component does not yet exist, it can be created. The prerequisite for this is that a valid component ID has been stored, which is then used as a template. If both the ComponentTypeId and ComponentId keys exist, the ComponentId key is always used (i.e. if you have entered a value for the ComponentId key, you do not need to enter a value for the ComponentTypeId key).
WorkingDir Specification of an external working directory
Source The working directory can be filled directly with files. The source is either a directory or a ZIP file. If there is already data in the working directory (e.g. in the case of reusing a component or importing a directory structure), the component is not created and the entire AutoCheckIn process fails.

Section [Version]

Key Description Values Default
Enabled Specifies whether a version should be created before Check-In. Y: A new version is created.
N: No new version is created.
HversionUserDefined Version number of the version that may be created. Empty string
Comment Comment for this version. A line break is displayed with <br>. Empty string
ChangeReason ChangeReason for this version. A line break is displayed with <br>. Empty string
WithoutComparison Specifies whether a comparison is to be performed.
If no comparison is performed (Y), a new version is created even if there are no differences to the previous version.
Y: No Comparison is performed.
N: The comparison is performed.
SilentMode Specifies whether VDogAutoCheckIn.exe may open a message during comparison. Y: Messages can be opened.
N: No messages are opened.
UserId User ID under which the version is to be generated. Format: {ID with 32 characters}. The logged-in user
ComputerName Name of the computer on which the version is to be generated. The name of the computer on which the VDogCheckIn is running
TimeStamp Timestamp on which the version was created. Format: {YYYYMMDD HHMMSS}. The current timestamp
TagName Tag to be assigned to the generated version. This key is optional.
CreateTagIfNotAlreadyExists Specifies whether a tag is created if no tag exists for the version. Y: The tag is created if it does not yet exist.
N: Only existing Tags are linked to the created Version.
If the tag does not exist, the application fails. The generated version remains without a tag.
TagComment If a new tag is created, a comment can be added to the tag here.

Section [CheckIn]

Key Description Values Default
ReleaseAfterCheckIn Specifies whether the version of the component should be released after Check-In. Y: The version is released.
N: The version is not released.
SilentMode Specifies whether VDogAutoCheckIn.exe may open a message during Check-In. Y: Messages can be opened.
N: No messages are opened.
IgnoreProjectDataIsNot Versioned Specifies whether VDogAutoCheckIn.exe should ignore non-versioned project changes in the editor during Check-In. Y: If there are non-versioned project changes in the working directory, a warning appears. Versions that have already been saved are checked in.
N: If there are non-versioned project changes in the working directory, an error message appears. The Check-In is canceled. Versions that have already been saved are not checked in.

Section [MasterData]

Key Description Values Default
Data{1..10} Specify the master data to be changed.
The following applies here: If you enter a value, this value is entered in the master data field. To clear the master data field, do not enter a value.
Nothing is changed by default.

Section [Result]

Key Description
ErrorText{0..n} Error message(s) in case of error
ErrorCode{0..n} Error code(s) in case of error.
Format: {Display type}{Space}{Error code in hexadecimal notation}
Display type 0: Error code is displayed as an unsigned decimal number.
Display type 1: Error code is displayed as a signed decimal number.
Display type 2: Error code is displayed as a hexadecimal number.
HVersion Version number of the created version (if a version was created).
JobId ID of the created job. Only required if the keys in the [JobConfig] section are used.


Transfer of the user and password in the call

Command line call:

C:\Programs\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe /at:c "/rd:D:\vdClientArchive" /account:{User} /domain:Testdomain /password:{Password} /CFile:d:\AutoCheckIn.ini

Configuration file AutoCheckIn.ini:

Dir=\Factory 1\Hall 1\Area 1\110 S7

Transfer of the user and password in the configuration file

Command line call:

C:\Programs\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe /at:c"/rd:D:\vdClientArchive" /CFile:d:\AutoCheckIn.ini

Configuration file AutoCheckIn.ini:

Dir=\Werk 1\Halle 1\Bereich 1\110 S7

Passing the password in the call and the user in the configuration file

Command line call:

C:\Programs\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe /at:c "/rd:D:\vdClientArchive" /password:{password} /CFile:d:\AutoCheckIn.ini

Configuration file AutoCheckIn.ini:

Dir=\Werk 1\Halle 1\Area 1\110 S7

Application example: Creating a new component

Batch file:

@echo off
set VDTOOL=C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe
set CLIENTARCHIVE=D:\vdClientArchive
set PASSWD=********
set USERNAME=Administrator
set CFGFILE=CheckInTest.ini
SET mypath=%~dp0
set CFGFILE=%mypath%%CFGFILE%
echo [ * ] Start Check-In
"%VDTOOL%" "/AT:C" "/RD:%CLIENTARCHIVE%" "/CFile:%CFGFILE%" "/Password:%PASSWD%" "/Account:%USERNAME%"
echo [ * ] Check-In finished (%ERRORLEVEL%)

Configuration file CheckInTest.ini:

// Binary

Application example: Customizing the master data for several components at the same time

File CheckIn.bat

@echo off
set VDTOOL=C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe
set CLIENTARCHIVE=D:\vdClientArchive
set PASSWD=********
set USERNAME=Administrator
set CFGFILE=CheckInTest.ini
SET mypath=%~dp0
set CFGFILE=%mypath%%CFGFILE%
echo [ * ] Start Check-In
type %CFGFILE% > %CFGFILE%.cfg
echo [Component] >> %CFGFILE%.cfg
echo dir=%*>> %CFGFILE%.cfg
"%VDTOOL%" "/AT:C" "/RD:%CLIENTARCHIVE%" "/CFile:%CFGFILE%.cfg" "/Password:%PASSWD%" "/Account:%USERNAME%"
echo [ * ] Check-In has finished (%ERRORLEVEL%)

File CheckIn.ini


File Loop.bat

for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (myfile.txt) do checkin.bat %%A

File myfile.txt

\Plant 1\Hall 1\Area 1\110 S7
\Plant 1\Hall 1\Area 2\Documentation\Book list
\Plant 1\Hall 1\Area 2\Documentation\CADD