AutoCheckIn allows you to check in components via the command line and, if necessary, create a new Version. Master data and the component type can be changed via settings in the configuration file.
The following Command must be entered in the command line:
C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe /at:c "/rd:{vdClientArchive}" [/account:{User}] [/domain:{domain}] [/password:{password}] /CFile:d:{configuration file}
The necessary parameters and values for the command line call can be found in the following table.
Parameters | Description |
/rd:{ClientArchive} | Fully qualified path to the client archive |
/account:{user} | Name of the user who performs the Check-In Only required if the user name is not transferred in the configuration file. |
/domain:{domain} | Domain of the user Only required if the user name is transferred via the Command line. |
/password:{password} | User's password Only required if the user name is transferred via the command line. |
/CFile:{configuration file} | Fully qualified path to the configuration file |
/JobConfig | Indicates that a Job is to be created > Only required if only the job configuration is to be changed and no component is to be created, no versioning and no Check-In is to be performed. |
Configuration file
To check in a component via the command line, to version it or to create a job, an INI file is required for configuration. The necessary sections, keys and values of the configuration file can be found in the following table.
If a value has leading or trailing spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks in the configuration file. If a Default value is specified for a key, this key does not have to be transferred in the configuration file.
Section [User]
Key | Description | Values | Default |
Account | Name of the user who carries out the Check-In. Only required if the user name is not transferred via the command line. | Empty string | |
Domain | Domain of the user. Only required if the user name is also transferred in the configuration file. | Empty string | |
Password | Password of the user. Only required if the user name is also transferred in the configuration file | Empty string | |
PasswordMode | Specifies how the password is to be handled. Only required if the user name is also transferred in the configuration file. | 0: The password is treated as unencrypted and transferred directly. 2: The key is ignored and the password must be entered via the command line. |
Section [Component]
Key | Description |
Dir | Relative path to the component. There is a backslash at the beginning, not at the end. |
ComponentTypeId | Valid component type ID with which the existing component type ID is replaced. |
Section [CreateComponent]
Key | Description |
ComponentTypeId | If the component does not yet exist, it can be created. The prerequisite for this is that a valid component type ID has been stored, which is then used as a template. If both the ComponentTypeId and ComponentId keys exist, the ComponentId key is always used (i.e. if you have entered a value for the ComponentId key, you do not need to enter a value for the ComponentTypeId key). |
ComponentId | If the component does not yet exist, it can be created. The prerequisite for this is that a valid component ID has been stored, which is then used as a template. If both the ComponentTypeId and ComponentId keys exist, the ComponentId key is always used (i.e. if you have entered a value for the ComponentId key, you do not need to enter a value for the ComponentTypeId key). |
WorkingDir | Specification of an external working directory |
Source | The working directory can be filled directly with files. The source is either a directory or a ZIP file. If there is already data in the working directory (e.g. in the case of reusing a component or importing a directory structure), the component is not created and the entire AutoCheckIn process fails. |
Section [Version]
Key | Description | Values | Default |
Enabled | Specifies whether a version should be created before Check-In. | Y: A new version is created. N: No new version is created. | N |
HversionUserDefined | Version number of the version that may be created. | Empty string | |
Comment | Comment for this version. A line break is displayed with <br> . | Empty string | |
ChangeReason | ChangeReason for this version. A line break is displayed with <br> . | Empty string | |
WithoutComparison | Specifies whether a comparison is to be performed. If no comparison is performed (Y), a new version is created even if there are no differences to the previous version. | Y: No Comparison is performed. N: The comparison is performed. | N |
SilentMode | Specifies whether VDogAutoCheckIn.exe may open a message during comparison. | Y: Messages can be opened. N: No messages are opened. | N |
UserId | User ID under which the version is to be generated. Format: {ID with 32 characters}. | The logged-in user | |
ComputerName | Name of the computer on which the version is to be generated. | The name of the computer on which the VDogCheckIn is running | |
TimeStamp | Timestamp on which the version was created. Format: {YYYYMMDD HHMMSS}. | The current timestamp | |
TagName | Tag to be assigned to the generated version. This key is optional. | ||
CreateTagIfNotAlreadyExists | Specifies whether a tag is created if no tag exists for the version. | Y: The tag is created if it does not yet exist. N: Only existing Tags are linked to the created Version. If the tag does not exist, the application fails. The generated version remains without a tag. | |
TagComment | If a new tag is created, a comment can be added to the tag here. |
Section [CheckIn]
Key | Description | Values | Default |
ReleaseAfterCheckIn | Specifies whether the version of the component should be released after Check-In. | Y: The version is released. N: The version is not released. | Y |
SilentMode | Specifies whether VDogAutoCheckIn.exe may open a message during Check-In. | Y: Messages can be opened. N: No messages are opened. | N |
IgnoreProjectDataIsNot Versioned | Specifies whether VDogAutoCheckIn.exe should ignore non-versioned project changes in the editor during Check-In. | Y: If there are non-versioned project changes in the working directory, a warning appears. Versions that have already been saved are checked in. N: If there are non-versioned project changes in the working directory, an error message appears. The Check-In is canceled. Versions that have already been saved are not checked in. | N |
Section [MasterData]
Key | Description | Values | Default |
Data{1..10} | Specify the master data to be changed. The following applies here: If you enter a value, this value is entered in the master data field. To clear the master data field, do not enter a value. | Nothing is changed by default. |
Section [Result]
Key | Description |
ErrorText{0..n} | Error message(s) in case of error |
ErrorCode{0..n} | Error code(s) in case of error. Format: {Display type}{Space}{Error code in hexadecimal notation} Display type 0: Error code is displayed as an unsigned decimal number. Display type 1: Error code is displayed as a signed decimal number. Display type 2: Error code is displayed as a hexadecimal number. |
HVersion | Version number of the created version (if a version was created). |
JobId | ID of the created job. Only required if the keys in the [JobConfig] section are used. |
Transfer of the user and password in the call
Command line call:
C:\Programs\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe /at:c "/rd:D:\vdClientArchive" /account:{User} /domain:Testdomain /password:{Password} /CFile:d:\AutoCheckIn.ini
Configuration file AutoCheckIn.ini:
Transfer of the user and password in the configuration file
Command line call:
Configuration file AutoCheckIn.ini:
Dir=\Werk 1\Halle 1\Bereich 1\110 S7
Passing the password in the call and the user in the configuration file
Command line call:
C:\Programs\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe /at:c "/rd:D:\vdClientArchive" /password:{password} /CFile:d:\AutoCheckIn.ini
Configuration file AutoCheckIn.ini:
Application example: Creating a new component
Batch file:
@echo off
set VDTOOL=C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe
set CLIENTARCHIVE=D:\vdClientArchive
set PASSWD=********
set USERNAME=Administrator
set CFGFILE=CheckInTest.ini
SET mypath=%~dp0
set CFGFILE=%mypath%%CFGFILE%
echo [ * ] Start Check-In
"%VDTOOL%" "/AT:C" "/RD:%CLIENTARCHIVE%" "/CFile:%CFGFILE%" "/Password:%PASSWD%" "/Account:%USERNAME%"
echo [ * ] Check-In finished (%ERRORLEVEL%)
Configuration file CheckInTest.ini:
// Binary
Application example: Customizing the master data for several components at the same time
File CheckIn.bat
@echo off
set VDTOOL=C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe
set CLIENTARCHIVE=D:\vdClientArchive
set PASSWD=********
set USERNAME=Administrator
set CFGFILE=CheckInTest.ini
SET mypath=%~dp0
set CFGFILE=%mypath%%CFGFILE%
echo [ * ] Start Check-In
type %CFGFILE% > %CFGFILE%.cfg
echo [Component] >> %CFGFILE%.cfg
echo dir=%*>> %CFGFILE%.cfg
"%VDTOOL%" "/AT:C" "/RD:%CLIENTARCHIVE%" "/CFile:%CFGFILE%.cfg" "/Password:%PASSWD%" "/Account:%USERNAME%"
echo [ * ] Check-In has finished (%ERRORLEVEL%)
File CheckIn.ini
File Loop.bat
File myfile.txt
\Plant 1\Hall 1\Area 1\110 S7
\Plant 1\Hall 1\Area 2\Documentation\Book list
\Plant 1\Hall 1\Area 2\Documentation\CADD