Creating and configuring jobs
Jobs can also be created or updated via the command line.
The following Command must be entered to do this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogClient\VDogAutoCheckIn.exe" /RD:d:\vdClientArchive /at:c /JobConfig /CFile:d:\AutoCheckIn.ini /Password:******** /Account:User
In addition to parameters for AutoCheckIn, the parameter /JobConfig must also be specified for job creation.
Parameter | Description |
/JobConfig | Indicates that a job is to be created |
Only required if only the job configuration is to be changed and no components are to be created, no versioning and no Check-In is to be performed.
Configuration file
In addition to the entries described for AutoCheckIn, the INI file for the job configuration contains the section [Jobconfig]. The section's keys can be used to enter values for job configuration settings, which are also available in the Job configuration in the AdminClient (see section Jobs). Default values are set for the settings for which no values are specified in the INI file.
Key JobId
ID of the Job whose configuration is to be adjusted
Key TemplateJobId
ID of the Job whose configuration (apart from the JobId) is to be adopted
Key JobName
Name of the Job
If the name is empty, an existing Job must be found using the JobId or TemplateJobId key.
The Default value is an empty character string.
Key UploadType
Name of the upload type
If the name is empty, an existing Job must be found using the JobId or TemplateJobId key.
The Default value is an empty character string.
Key ComponentId key
ID of the Component
If the name is empty, an existing Job must be found using the JobId or TemplateJobId key.
The Default value is an empty character string.
Key UploadAgentId
ID of the Upload Agent
The Default value is an empty character string.
To determine the IDs of the Upload agents configured in your system, you have two options:
- In the file AgentStations.ini (
) you will find the ID of the agent after the prefix U_. - Select the desired Job in the AdminClient in the module Jobs, click on the Copy job parameter to clipboard button in the menu ribbon in on the Help tab and then paste the contents of the clipboard into an editor. The ID of the upload agent is displayed as the value of the 4959 key.
Key ComparePolicy
Displays the Compare policy. Possible values are:
0: No Comparison takes place.
1: Previous Backup <-> Backup
2: Server version <-> Backup
3: Server version <-> Backup, previous backup <-> Backup
Default value is 3.
Key Execute
Shows when the Job is to be executed. Possible values are:
0: The execution does not follow a schedule.
1: Execution takes place according to a schedule.
2: The BackupClient is used for execution.
The default value is 0.
Key RollOver
Number of retained backups (rollover)
A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 999 backups are retained.
The Default value is 5.
Key RepetitionOnError
Shows whether and when the Job should be executed again in the event of an error. The character string consists of the following 3 values, separated by commas:
Specifies whether the job is to be executed again (0 or 1),
Waiting time (in minutes) until the Job is executed again,
Maximum number of repetitions
"1,30,2" means, in case of errors the Job is executed again, 30 minutes are waited between attempts and a maximum of 2 attempts are made to execute the Job again.
Key StartTime
If the Execute key has the value 1, i.e. the job is executed according to a schedule, you can set here when the job should be executed.
The value of the key is a character string consisting of the following values, separated by commas:
Start time: Time at which the Job is executed
Rhythm at which the Job is executed (3: Hourly, 2: Daily, 1: Weekly, 0: Monthly)
The other values depend on which rhythm was selected:
- Number of hours
- Number of minutes
16:00,3,2,45: The Job is executed at intervals of 2 hours and 45 minutes from 16:00.
- There are no further values.
16:00,2: The Job is executed every day at 16:00.
- Number of weeks between executions
- Day of the week (1: Sunday, 2: Monday, 4: Tuesday, 8: Wednesday, 16: Thursday, 32: Friday, 64: Saturday)
- If the Job is to be executed on several days of the week, the respective numbers are added together. For example, Monday and Saturday: 2+64=66
16:00,1,4,4: The Job is executed every fourth week on Tuesday at 4 pm.
16:00,1,2,24: The Job is executed every second week on Wednesday and Thursday at 4 pm.
- Execution rhythm in the month in which the job is executed (0: on every n. day, where n indicates the date, 1: on a certain day of the week).
- If 0 is selected as the first value, the second value specifies on what day of the month the Job will be executed.
- If 1 is selected as the first value, the second value specifies the week of the month and the third value specifies the day of the week when the job will be executed (0: Sunday, 1: Monday, 2: Tuesday, 3: Wednesday, 4: Thursday, 5: Friday, 6: Saturday).
The Job can only be executed on one specific day of the month. Several days of the week cannot be specified. - Month in which the job is executed (1: January, 2: February, 4: March, 8: April, 16: May, 32: June, 64: July, 128: August, 256: September, 512: October, 1024: November, 2048: December).
If the job is to be executed on several months, the respective numbers are added together. E.g. March, July and October: 4+64+512=580
16:00,0,0,5,32: The job will be executed on June 5 at 16:00.
16:00,0,1,2,3,512: The job will be executed in the second week of October, on Wednesday at 16:00.
The Default value is an empty character string.
Key EmailRecipients
List of user or group IDs, separated by commas, to be notified by email.
The Default value is an empty character string.
Key {ParameterId as number}
Displays the parameter ID.
The Default value is an empty character string.
If a job has been created, the ID of the created job is specified in the [Result] section in the JobId key.