Script applications
Script applications must be named after the script interface from which they are to be called (e.g. ScriptBeforeUpload or ScriptAfterUpload) and be available in one of the two file formats EXE or BAT (e.g. ScriptBeforeUpload.exe or ScriptBeforeUpload.bat).
If the script directory contains two script applications of the same name with the file extensions *.exe and *.bat, only the script application with the file extension *.exe is executed.
Script applications are called via the command line with the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
/ConfigFileW: | Absolute path (path and name) of the UTF-16 encoded interface file |
/rd: | Path of the server archive |
/at: | Execution location |
For compatibility reasons, it is possible to use interface files in the local code page. The parameter /ConfigFile: is given for this purpose. The parameter /ConfigFile: contains the absolute path to the interface file encoded in the local code page, if this can be converted from UTF-16 without loss of information.
It is strongly recommended to check existing scripts for Unicode support and adapt them if necessary.
Server-side call of the script application ScriptBeforeUpload.exe using the information from the interface file:
ScriptBeforeUpload.exe /ConfigFile:D:\ServerArchive\VD_TMP_VD\639DA01F8ABD4D9D80C702AF85C822F5.ini /rd:D:\ServerArchive
/at:s /ConfigFileW:D:\ServerArchive\VD_TMP_VD\F9E5E19475BC4AC7945E2DA75ED8E74A.ini
If an error occurs when starting or executing the script application, the job fails and the error is returned as a job result.
An initialization file is used to assign the scripts to specific component types. The file must always be named like the corresponding Script*.exe (e.g. ScriptBeforeEdit.exe -> ScriptBeforeEdit.ini):
[General] section
Key | Description |
default | Name of the SCRIPT file to be executed for all component types |
{Component type ID} | Name of the SCRIPT file to be executed for the specified component type (multiple keys with different component type IDs are possible) |