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Script applications that are called by this interface are used to execute further actions on the server after the Check-In of a new version.

Example: Automatic sending of emails to all users who are to be informed when a new version is available on the server.

Errors when starting or executing the script applications have no influence on the Check-In process. The checked-in data is not changed. The error is logged in the Event Log module in the AdminClient.

Command lines for this script application

Without agents:

ScriptAfterCheckInS.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path of the interface file] /rd:[path of the server archive] /at:s

When using agents:

ScriptAfterCheckInS.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path of the interface file] /rd:[path of the agent archive] /at:s

Description of the interface file

The [Common], [User] and [Component] sections are described in General sections of the interface file.

Section Version(N)

The [Version(N)] section contains information on the checked-in versions. A separate section is created for each version (e.g. [Version31] and [Version32]). The section keys are described in General sections of the interface file.

Section Specific

In the [Specific] section, the following keys can be configurated:

Key I/O Description Values
SyncType I Shows how this Check-In is synchronized. 0: No synchronization
1: Synchronization between two servers
Synchronization between a BackupClient and a server
4: Synchronization between a backup server and a server
5: Synchronization between a mobile server and a server.
If this key is not available, the default value 0 is specified.
MovedFromDir I Original path of the component if it was moved before Check-In.
If the component was not moved, this key is not specified.
ChangedFromCompTypeId I ID of the original component type of the component if its type was changed before Check-In.
If the type of the component was not changed, this key is not specified.
Deleted I Shows whether the script application is executed if the component was deleted. Y/N
If the key has the value Y, the master data keys of the component are not specified. If the component was not deleted, this key is not specified.

Section ClientInformation

In the [ClientInformation] section, the following keys can be configurated:

Key I/O Description
ComputerName I Computer name and, if applicable, the associated domain of the computer from which the check-in was performed.
IPAddress I IP address of the computer from which the check-in was performed.

Section Result

In the [Result] section, the following keys can be configurated:

The general section keys are described in General sections of the interface file.

Key I/O Description Values
Done O Indicates whether the script application should be considered completed in the event of an error. Y: The script application is considered completed in the event of an error. The system does not attempt to execute the script application again and again.
N: The script application is not considered completed in the event of an error and is executed again and again.
The default value is N.