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Script applications that are called by this interface are used to modify data after a change check.

AfterChangeCheck is only triggered if BeforeChangeCheck was started beforehand. AfterChangeCheck is called, if the script application BeforeChangeCheck was terminated with an error.


  1. The system is checked.
  2. The BeforeChangeCheck interface is called and the associated script application is started.
  3. Files and projects are transferred and operations are executed.
  4. A new version is created.
  5. It is checked whether changes have been made to the working directory since the start of the check.
  6. An archive is created.
  7. The checksum of the archive is calculated.
  8. An update of the database is performed.
  9. The AfterChangeCheck interface is triggered and the associated script application is executed.

Example: Restoration of the folder structure after it has been simplified for the check.

Command line for this script application

ScriptAfterChangeCheck.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path of the interface file] /rd:[path of the client archive] /at:c

Description of the interface file

The [Common], [User], [Component], [Version], [QuickSave], [ExclusiveUse] and [UnderDevelopment] sections are described in General sections of the interface file.

The [ExclusiveUse] and [UnderDevelopment] sections are not specified in the background check.

Section Version

The keys for the [Version] section are described in General sections of the interface file. If the Hversion key is not specified or is empty, no version has been created.

Section Specific

In the [Specific] section, the following keys can be configurated:

Key I/O Description Values Default
WorkingDir I Full path of the component's working directory
BaseVersionPresent I Indicates whether a base version exists for this component. Y/N Y
BackgroundChangeCheck I Indicates whether the process is part of a background check.
The background check only checks for differences and not for consistency or versioning.
Failed I Indicates whether the change check (and, if necessary, the versioning process) has failed. Y/N N