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Script applications that are called by this interface are used to undo the modifications of the data after a comparison. The script applications are always started when a comparison is started on the client side (e.g. between two versions or a backup and a version).


  1. The comparison begins.
  2. Files and projects are transferred and operations are executed.
  3. The AfterCompare interface is called and the associated script application is started.
  4. The comparison is ended.
  5. Temporary files are deleted.
  6. The comparison is completed.

Example: After the comparison the temporary folder into which the data for the comparison was unpacked can be deleted again.

If an error occurs in a script application, the checked-in data remains unchanged and the processing state of the component is not changed. An error message is displayed.

Command line for this script application

ScriptAfterCompare.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path of the interface file] /rd:[path of the client archive] /at:c

Description of the interface file

The [Common], [Component] and [Result] sections are described in General sections of the interface file.

The [User] and [Version] sections are not specified.

Section Specific

In the [Specific] section, the following keys can be configurated:

Key I/O Description Values Default
Type I Shows which data is being compared. 1: Backup with backup
2: Version with backup
4: Version with version
WorkingDirM I Full path of the master's working directory
WorkingDirM_BC I Full path of the master's archive folder in which the script application BeforeCompare.exe saves its project data.
If this key is empty, the BeforeCompare.exe script application was not executed or did not return any results.
WorkingDirS I Full path of the slave's working directory
WorkingDirS_BC I Full path of the slave's archive folder in which the BeforeCompare.exe script application saves its project data.
If this key is empty, the script application BeforeCompare.exe was not executed or did not return any results.
BackgroundChangeCheck I Indicates whether the check is part of a background check.
The background check only checks for differences and not for consistency or versioning.