Script applications that are called by this interface are used to influence the data after Check-In. The script applications are only executed when the Check-In has been terminated (completed, canceled or time-out).
- The new version is created.
- The Check-In process begins.
- The Check-In process is completed.
- The AfterCheckIn interface is called and the associated script application is started.
Command lines for this script application
Without agents:
ScriptAfterCheckIn.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path of the interface file] /rd:[path of the server archive] /at:s
When using agents:
ScriptAfterCheckIn.exe /ConfigFileW:[absolute path of the interface file] /rd:[path of the agent archive] /at:s
Description of the interface file
The [Specific], [User], [Common], [Component] and [Interface file] sections are described in General sections of the interface file.
Section Specific
The [Specific] section contains the complete path of the component's working directory. The section keys are described in General sections of the interface file.
Section User
The [User] section contains all data of the executing user with the corresponding rights (Administrator). The User-Id, Name, FullName, Domain, EmailAddress, LocalLogon, Admin and Groups are recorded in. The keys of the section are described in General sections of the interface file.
Section Common
The [Common] section contains the data required to execute the script.
The most important line is Trigger=AfterCheckIn.
This is followed by Language, ComputerName, RootDirAdmin, DirPrjData, DirTemp, Timeout, PathLog, PathExeVdog, SilentMode and License. The section keys are described in General sections of the interface file.
Section Component
The [Component] section contains all data on the component. Dir, Id and ComponentTypeId are recorded. The section keys are described in General sections of the interface file.
Section Version
The [Version] section shows information about the version checked out in the working directory.
VersionUUID, HVersion, HVersionUserDefined, TimeStampLocal, TimeStampUtc, ChangeReason, UserId, UserName, UserFullName, UserDomainName, UserEmailAddress, Computer name, DNameStorage, State are recorded.
The section keys are described in General sections of the interface file.