Creating jobs for PCS 7 Route Control
General information
Each data export via PCS 7 Route Control generates a LOG file. This LOG file contains the path to the CSV files. The path to the LOG file must either be a valid network path (accessible via the saved user data) or a local path that can be accessed by the executing device (server/agent).
The UNC job is used for the PCS 7 Route Control data backup. The job searches under the specified path for the latest LOG file and extracts the path to the CSV files.
To create jobs for PCS 7 Route Control
- Start the AdminClient.
- Open the Jobs module.
- Select a PCS 7 Route Control component in the Project tree.
- Click on the Create button and configure the General and Upload and compare sections.
Configure the PCS7 Route Control Settings section.
- In the Username and Password fields, enter the credentials of the user, under which the network resources are to be accessed. The user must have the necessary access rights.
- For Resource, enter the computer name or IP address of the computer that you want to access via the network. Use the Check button to check whether access to the computer or the entered combination of computer and subdirectory is possible.
- If the data is stored in a subdirectory of the network resource, enter the path of the subdirectory in the Subdirectory field.
Access to the subdirectory must be possible with the specified login data. One subdirectory per job is supported.
In the Advanced section, adjust the data specifications in the event of network problems. The Make offline project available to scripting interface checkbox allows upload scripts started by the job to access the latest checked-in version.
- If required, in the File specifications and compare settings section, activate the checkbox Enable custom configuration for this job and click on Edit. Define new parameters for the comparison and storage process in the dialog that then opens.
You can implement further settings for jobs of this upload type in the AdminClient in the Global settings dialog.