Customizing comparisons on a project-specific basis
The Binary component cannot be customized on a project-specific basis.
- Start the UserClient.
- Right-click the component in the Project tree.
- Select the Edit component configuration entry in the context menu.
- Select the Comparator configuration ... button.
- In the Comparison configuration dialog, enter the data in the field under Exclude lines from comparison.
Example: Customizing a Json component in the UserClient
Instructions for comparator configuration of the JSON SmartCompares using a sample document
Example document for Json:
Procedure for the entry under Exclude lines from comparison for the sample document
Absolute exclusion: The beginning of the path is checked, all subordinate elements are ignored.
.os: The os object is ignored with all properties (architecture, system_drive, programs). The os2 is not ignored.
.os.architecture: The architecture property of the os object is ignored. The architecture property of os2 is not ignored.
Relative exclusion: The end of the path is checked.
architecture: The architecture property is ignored globally (here for os and os2).
products.install_data: The install_data properties of all objects under products are ignored globally (in this case, of objects os and os2).
Excluded lines in the configuration of the ASCII configuration are still displayed during comparison
Situation: I have precisely specified the lines to be excluded through their line numbers, they are still displayed during the comparison. What could be the reason for this?
Lines excluded from comparison are not specified through the line numbers, but with the help of a character string. To exclude rows from the comparison, please proceed as follows:
- Open the UserClient.
- Go to the Project tree.
- Right-click the component from which you want to exclude rows from the comparison.
- Select Edit component configuration in the context menu
- The Component configuration dialog is displayed.
- Select Comparator configuration
- The Comparison configuration dialog is displayed.
- Extend the list of Lines excluded from comparison with corresponding entries (either the entire line or using placeholders)
If the list of excluded character string(s) contains an entry, every line that contains EXACTLY this character string is excluded from the comparison.
*a -> excludes all lines that end with the character a.
a* -> excludes all lines that begin with the character a.
*a* -> excludes all lines that contain an a at any position.
{Space}* -> excludes all lines that begin with the value specified in {Space}.
* -> excludes all lines that begin with a tab.
Current value*
The entries mean that every line in which a change occurs with the character string alarm
and every line in in which a change begins with the character string Current value
is excluded from the comparison.