Usage information
If you are asked by us to send your usage information to AMDT, you can generate a corresponding file in the Usage information module.
You can access the Usage information module via the Configuration button in the octoplant hub user interface.
Select the Download button to create a usage information file. You can save it to any location in the directory system.
Automatically sending a usage information file to AMDT
When sending automatically, the same file is sent to AMDT that can be created using the Download button.
If you select the Send usage information file automatically to AMDT checkbox, the file is sent automatically to AMDT at regular intervals of 30 days.
Manually sending a usage information file to AMDT
- Click on the link displayed next to Upload.
- A form will open in your Internet browser.
- Select the Usage Report tab.
- Click on the Choose link and select the previously created file in your file system.
- Select the Submit button to upload the file.
- Below the form, you will see whether the upload was successful or whether an error occurred.
The file is sent using FormData, encrypted (via https) to the following address:
The JSON file contains the following usage information:
- Product: Product (octoplant hub)
- Serial number: LicenseSerialNumber
- Licensed Users: Users - Licensed
- Used Users: Users - Used
- Licensed Servers: Datasources - Licensed
- Used Servers: Datasources - Used