Bug fixes: 7.0.2
The following points have been addressed in this update:
- Bugfix when checking projects in and out if the computer name is very long and contains unicode characters
- Station upload using TIA Openness improved. HW-related F blocks require the identical set languages in the project for the Station upload, which were valid for the download.
- Some project data is not read correctly during S7 upload
- Bugfix for Siemens TIA Portal
- Bugfix for RSLogix 5000
- Optimization of AUVESY Image Service
- Optimization of database migration for versiondog update
- Windows XP compatibility with AUVESY Image Service optimized
- Improved display of error messages in the user interface
- Warnings regarding disk space of Windows system partitions are ignored
- AdminClient does not crash after AUVESY Image Service job execution
- AUVESY Image Service: Service Installer optimized
- AUVESY Image Service: remote installer deletes temporary files after installation
- Missing snapshot.exe added to versiondog Setup
- Error when reading project data from S7 upload fixed
- Crash when analyzing TIA Portal projects fixed