Complete list of all new features in this major release
New features & improvements
- versiondog WebClient
- Redesign of the job configuration
Graphical comparison display
- Automatic focusing on graphical differences with the buttons for displaying the next / previous difference
- Zooming the graphical comparison display with the mouse wheel
- Moving the graphical comparison display using mouse + Ctrl
- Optimized print output of the graphical comparison display
- Optimized connection guidance
- Option to only display differences in the graphical comparison
Change history
- Option to delete individual versions from the change history
- Display of newer versions on the server
- Automatic synchronization of users and groups from the active directory into the versiondog user management
- Maintenance mode display in the dashboard
- Automatic maintenance mode with notification in case of too little memory / too many sync jobs
- Optimizations for the maintenance mode
- Optimization of the archive manager
- Optimizations for CSV import/export in the User management
- The "versiondog" user (Super Administrator) can now only change their password themselves
- Domains can now be entered with a dot (.)
- Revised CheckIn/CheckOut report
- Enhanced usability during CheckIn/CheckOut
- New workflow for "Overwrite local changes" during CheckOut
- Check for new versions on the Server before editing
- Summary of the "CheckOut" and "CheckOut (Apply selection)" buttons
- Display of Master data in the CheckIn/CheckOut report
- Expiry date in the license setting. License expiration date visible in the license setting
- Optimized logic for displaying the editing status of a component
- Silent server update
- Warning when entering password with active capslock button
- Option to reset column sorting
- Optimization of print output
- Optimization of memory management in ServerArchive
- Revision of labels, Tooltips and error messages
- F1 help in EasyClient
- Context-sensitive help
- Revised manual
- Fixed: Rollback on unsuccessful installation
- Fixed: Updating Master data in EasyClient
- Fixed: Editing a 006 todo
New in system and device support
GE Proficy ME
- Support for GE Proficy Machine Edition
SEW frequency inverters
- Support for SEW frequency inverters
Mitsubishi MELFA
- Support for Mitsubishi MELFA industrial robots
SICK Scanner
- Support for SICK scanners
Kistler process monitors
- Support for Kistler process monitors
- Support for SCALANCE Switches
General: INI Comparator
- Bugfix: Crash with large files
General: FTP Upload
- Bugfix: Access to drives on an FTP server
General: SSH-Upload
- Bugfix: Navigation in the SSH directory browser
General: UNC upload
- Time before Timeout increased
- Bugfix: Upload also possible without user and password
General: XML Comparator
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Improved display
Adobe PDF
- Recognition of changes in attached files
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Optimization of the graphical comparison
ABB robots
- Upload class available
B&R Automation Studio
- Support for version
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Optimization of the graphical comparison
- Optimized 64bit compatibility
- Deduction for B&R visualization systems vusing FTP possible
COGNEX Dataman
- Support (level 1) for automatic data backup without comparison
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Free compare
Microsoft Excel
- Comparison of macros
- Recognition of inserted images
- Optimization of the comparison logic
Microsoft Word
- Optimization for Word comparison by a job
Mitsubisi GX Works2
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Optimization in the project tree
Schneider Electric CitectSCADA
- Support for version 7.50
Schneider Electric Concept
- Graphical comparison
Schneider Electric Unity
- Graphical comparison
- Optimization of the comparison logic
Schneider Electric Wonderware InTouch
- Support of version V11.1 system platform 2014 R2
Siemens PCS7
- Exclusion of plans (CFC and SFC) from comparison is now configurable
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Optimization of the graphical comparison
Siemens S7
- Comparison configurable for absolute or symbolic addressing
- Job configuration: CPU password is configurable
- Job configuration: Reading the Slot from the S7 project
- Sorting and filtering of the S7 program folders in the "S7 program path" dialog
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Optimization of the graphical comparison
- Optimization when comparing the Simotion parameter sets
- Bugfix: UserClient does not respond as long as the SIMATIC Manager is open
- Bugfix: The SIMATIC Manager view is saved
Siemens Sinumerik 840D
- Optimization of the upload logic
Siemens TIA
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Optimization of the upload logic
Siemens WinCC
- New Upload configuration
- Optimization of the comparison logic
Siemens WinCC flexible
- Optimization of the comparison logic
Rockwell Automation RSLogix 5
- Support of Version 8
- Exclusion of program name in online / offline comparison
- Optimization of the comparison logic
Rockwell Automation RSLogix 500
- Exclusion of program name in online / offline comparison
Rockwell Automation RSLogix 5000
- Support for version 27
- Support for version 28
- Graphical display of FBD/SFC
- Optimized display for "program tags" and "controller tags"
- Optimization of the comparison logic
- Optimization of the graphical comparison
- Fixed: Exiting the RSLogix instance
New with Add-ons
versiondog Factory Floor Status*
- Monitoring of devices and technologies supported by versiondog and status display (green/yellow/red) in the web browser
- Simultaneous job configuration by multiple users
versiondog Legato interface*
- Automated data exchange between versiondog and Legato
versiondog export module
- New report for all jobs in which differences to the version checked in on the server were found
- Extension of the "ComponentTree" report:
- Optional output of all versions
- Optional output of master data
- Optimized XML output for Excel import
- Extension of the "Joblist" report (formerly "JobConfiguration"):
- Components for which no job is configured are also listed
- New column "Outdated Backup"
- Configurable timestamp output (UTC or local time)
- Information message for incorrect command line call
- Ensuring the dual control principle
- Traceability of the dual control principle in the CheckIn/CheckOut report
versiondog Parallel server
- Automatic maintenance mode if the maximum number of sync todos is exceeded
- Automatic maintenance mode if the LoLo limit is not reached
- Optimized performance
- Optimization of the synchronization logic (deletion of jobs, check times, ...)
- Display of the server from which a job was executed
versiondog Standard library management
- Optimized performance
- Optimization of the behavior when selecting a line during the update
- Optimization of the version determination of the blocks
- Optimization of the scan logic
- Hiding of removed versions
- Removal of entries
- Comparison for content for SCL sources
- Configurable exclusion of program blocks and data blocks
- Optimization of print output
- Revised tutorial
versiondog scripting
- Scripting interface for "BeforeServerSync" and "AfterServerSync"
- Scripting interface for "AfterCheckOutS"
- Query to activate the script function
- Optimization of the script management module
New in Documentation & Information
versiondog INFO
- BackupClient basics
- Active directory connection
- versiondog Factory Floor Status
- versiondog upload & compare agents
- versiondog standard Library Management
*Available as an Add-on, for a fee.