Server installation
This tutorial contains information on installing, moving and uninstalling a versiondog server.
The hardware and software requirements must be met for the installation of versiondog. If these requirements are not met, the product cannot be installed properly.
To understand the documentation, a basic knowledge of the structure of the versiondog system and knowledge of system administration are required.
All information in the documentation on server installation refers to single server systems. Parallel server systems are treated separately.
The installation of the versiondog server fails
Potential cause of failed server installation
If the setup routine initially runs smoothly but then stops at a certain point and finally fails, this is probably due to your antivirus program.
- Deactivate the antivirus program on the computer on which versiondog is to be installed.
- Carry out the installation.
- Activate the antivirus program after the installation is complete.
If you want to create an exception for the installation of versiondog instead of deactivating your antivirus program, ask us for a list of services and processes.
All files are displayed as changed (with pencil symbol)
Situation: The time in the system has been changed to daylight saving time and now all files are displayed as changed (with pencil symbol). How can I fix this?
Solution: Execute the programs VDogArchiveCheck and VDogZipFileConverter. These are are located in the directory \vdServerInstallation
- In single server operation: The server must be in Maintenance mode.
- In parallel server operation and server synchronization:
- All servers must be in Maintenance mode.
- You must run the tool on each server and wait for it to complete. To avoid longer downtimes, it is best to run the tools on all servers simultaneously.
versiondog can continue to run.
Depending on the archive size, running the tool may take longer.
Create a backup of the entire server archive to be on the safe side, as the tools change almost every file in the server archive.
Start the tool VDogArchiveCheck using the command line:
VDogArchiveCheck.exe /RD:{server archive}/AT:S /ConvertZips /Account:versiondog /Password:{password} [/Domain:{domain}]
The tool has run successfully if no error message is displayed.
- Deactivate the Maintenance mode.
For further inquiries, please contact support.