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Partially automated installation

You can partially automate the installation of the versiondog applications with the Setup.ini file by adopting some settings from the file. In this way, the installation can be carried out quickly and easily on several computers with the same settings. To do this, you must copy the Setup.ini file into the directory with the Setup.exe file.

The keys and values to be used can be found in the following table.


If the default value is to be used for a key, this key does not need to be entered.

Key Description Value Default
Mode Type of installation - client_install
- client_silentinstall
- client_update
- server_install

With client_silentinstall and client_update no installation wizard is displayed.
A normal installation is carried out by default.
Dst Target directory for the client program directory C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogClient
DstServer Path to the server program directory C:\Program Files (x86)\vdogServer
RootDirAdmin Path to the client archive or the local server archive D:\vdClientArchive or D:\vdServerArchive
RootDirProjct Path to the projects (server archive in network share) No path is specified by default.
Language Installation languages DE/EN
AcceptLicence Specifies if the license are accepted or not Y/N N
ClientSetupFiles Path to the client setup files D:\vdServerArchive\vdog client setup
LicencePath Path to the license file licence.json No path is specified by default. The path to the license file is not required for a client installation.
AllUserRight Specifies if all users have access rights to the client archive Y/N Y
DesktopShortcuts Specifies if shortcuts are created on the desktop Y/N Y
CommonPrograms Specifies if an entry is created in the Programs menu Y/N Y
QuickLaunch Specifies if shortcuts are created on Quick Launch Bar Y/N N
NetShare Speficies if a network share is to be created Y/N N
User User under which the VDog MasterService is started.
SYSTEM (in capital letters): System account is preselected.
User name (without entry)
Examples Specifies if example files are created Y/N N
Remote Specifies if a remote server archive is created Y/N N
cbStateStdLib Option for LibraryManagement - 0 (checkbox hidden)
- 7 (checkbox active; option not preselected)
cbStateBackupClient Option for the BackupClient - 0 (checkbox deactivated)
- 3 (checkbox active; option not preselected)
- 7 (checkbox active; option preselected)
PathBackupArchive Path to the Backup archive D:\vdBackupArchive

Setting examples

Client installation with installation wizard without default settings for BackupClient and LibraryManagement

Install the client applications in C:\Program Files (x86)\vdClient and the client archive in D:\vdCA. The license is automatically taken from \\VDSERVER\vdog client setup\licence.path and accepted. Shortcuts are created on the desktop and no icons are created in the quick launch bar.

Dst=C:\Program Files (x86)\vdClient

Server installation with installation wizard

DstServer=C:\Program Files (x86)\vdog_Server
RootDirAdmin=D:\ClientArchive, D:\ServerArchive
ClientSetupFiles=D:\ServerArchive\vdog client setup