Configuring the upload type UNC (UNC jobs)
Jobs with the upload type Network (UNC) carry out uploads of data to shared network resources via the protocol UNC (Uniform Naming Convention).
- Select your component in the Project tree.
- Click on the Create button in the menu bar or drag and drop the component into the Jobs area.
- Check whether the network Network (UNC) upload type is displayed in the Job configuration area.
Configure the general sections General, Notification, Upload and compare and Create a version automatically after job run. The sections Notification and Create a version automatically after job run are only displayed if the settings required for this have been made.
Network (UNC) settings section
- In the Username and Password fields, enter the login details of the user under who is to access the Network resources. The user must have the necessary access rights.
- Under Resource, enter the computer name or IP address of the computer that you want to access via the network. You can check whether the user can access the computer or the entered combination of computer and subfolder by clicking the Check button. If the check is not successful, the job will also fail.
- If the data is stored in a subdirectory of the network resource, enter the path of the subdirectory in the Subdirectory field.
- Access to the subdirectory must be possible with the specified credentials.
- versiondog supports up to 10 subdirectories per job.
If only one subdirectory is specified, the entire path on the server is not displayed in the backup, but only the last directory in the path:
Example: Path on the server: /Folder1/Subdirectory1/\*
Structure of the backup:\*
If several Subdirectories are specified, the entire Directory structure is included in the Backup.
Example: Path on the server: /Folder1/Subdirectory1/Subdirectory2 and /Folder1/Subdirectory1/1234
Structure of the Backup:
Advanced section
You can reduce the network load caused by the job by increasing the Sleep between packets and decreasing their maximum size.
Higher values for the waiting time and lower values for the maximum packet size mean that the job execution takes more time.
Activate the Upload only when timestamp is different (reduces network load) so that the timestamp is checked during Upload instead of the content of the files. This means that only new and edited files are uploaded for a backup; files without changes are taken over from the previous backup, which further limits the network load.
- The Make offline project available to scripting interface checkbox enables Upload scripts started by the job to access the latest checked-in version.
File specifications and compare settings section
By default, comparisons are performed using the component's comparison settings. In this section, job-specific adjustments can be made.
The table shows the set comparison and storage behavior.
Activate the Enable custom configuration for this job and click on Edit. Set new parameters for the comparison and storage process in the dialog that then opens.
How do I eliminate the error message Error when connecting to the target system [ID384]
When setting up a UNC job, an error may occur under the following conditions:
- Upload source: PC with operating system WinXP SP3 or older
- Resource:
- Upload destination: versiondog Agent/server with Windows 10 Version 1709 or Windows Server 2016 and newer
The reason for this is that the WinXP SP3 operating system uses the SMBv1 protocol. The SMBv2 protocol was introduced in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and the SMBv3 protocol was introduced in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. For new Windows installations, the SMBv1 protocol is disabled by default, Microsoft has discontinued support for SMBv1 due to security issues. More information can be found on the Microsoft website. Vulnerabilities in SMBv1 allow attacks through the network and the execution of malicious code on machines that can be reached through the network.
Suggested solutions
- Update the operating system of the source computer to Windows 7 or newer
- If this is not feasible for technical reasons, support for the SMBv1 protocol can be activated on the server/agent. This means that the outdated and insecure SMBv1 protocol is supported again and an upload can be carried out.
Call up Windows features and functions
Activate SMB1 protocol
Download the required data from the Internet
A restart is required.
For the UNC upload, you should create a user on the source PC who has read-only authorization to the source folder. This user should not have any other authorizations on this PC, in any case you should not use an admin account.