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Exporting job results

Exports of the JobResults type contain an overview of the job results of all jobs.

The export can be output either as a CSV or JSON file.


The job results of jobs that have already been deleted are not listed.

In addition to the keys described in the Parameter file section, the parameter file can also contain the following keys specifically for this export.

Section Common

In the [Common] section the following keys can be configurated:

Key Description Values
Dir Relative path of the part of the Project tree to be exported. Info: This key is ignored if a value is specified for ComponentID. - No value: the entire Project tree is exported, with the exception of the directories and components to which the executing user has no access (default value)
- Entry preceded by a backslash ("\"). The path of a component (with name) can also be entered.

Section Filter

In the [Filter] section, the following keys can be configurated:

Key Values
FilterFrom Start of the time period according to which entries are to be filtered (as a timestamp in UTC format). The date is included in the filter. To output only the differences to the last export, you can enter the value "LastExecution" here. The timestamp of the last executed export is entered under this key in the [Result] section.
FilterTo End of the time period according to which entries are to be filtered (as a timestamp in UTC format). The date is not included in the filter.
LastXDays Period in days after which entries are to be exported.

Example call

VDogAutoExport.exe "/rd:D:\vdClientArchive" "/CFile:D:\Test\exportJobResults.ini"

Parameter file exportJobResults.ini




Overview of the columns that appear in the resulting file

The data records are sorted according to the contents of the JobId column and then the TimestampUTC column.

Column Description
Component Name of the component (with its path in the Project tree)
ComponentID ID of the component (in GUID format)
ComponentTypeID ID of the component type (in GUID-Format)
ComponentTypeName Name of the component type
Job ID ID of the Job (in GUID format)
JobName Name of the Job
UploadClass Upload type of the Job
WhoToNotify List of users, who should be notified about the job execution
Execution Execution status of the job. Values: 0: Not according to schedule, 1: By schedule, 2: By BackupClient
IpOrComputername IP address or computer name. The value is output depending on the upload class.
UploadAgent Computer name or IP address of the agent. This value is only specified if an upload agent is assigned to the job.
CompareAgent Computer name or IP address of the agent. This value is only specified if a compare agent is assigned to the job.
TimestampLocal Timestamp of the job execution (local time)
TimestampUTC Timestamp of the job execution (UTC)
TimestampBackupLocal Timestamp of the file (local time)
TimestampBackupUTC Timestamp of the file (UTC)
DirBackup Relative path of the directory in the server archive in which the current backup of the job ( file) was saved.
ResultVersionVsBackup Result of the comparison between the version on the server and the backup. A list of the status codes output and their descriptions can be found in the AdminClient tutorial. The following job execution results are not displayed in this export: Not present and Deactivated
TimestampVersionLocal Timestamp of the file (local time)
TimestampVersionUTC Timestamp of the file (UTC)
DirVersion Relative path of the directory in the server archive in which the version of the job ( file) was saved
VersionNumber Version number
ErrorVersionVsBackup The column only contains a value if an error occurred during the Server version ↔ Backup comparison.
WarningVersionVsBackup The column only contains a value if a warning was issued during the Server version ↔ Backup comparison.
ResultBackupVsPreBackup Result of the comparison between the current and previous backup. A list of the status codes issued and their descriptions can be found in the AdminClient tutorial. The following job execution results are not displayed in this export: Not present and Deactivated
TimestampPreBackupLocal Timestamp of the file of the previous backup (local time)
TimestampPreBackupUTC Timestamp of the file of the previous backup (UTC)
DirPreBackup Relative path of the directory in the server archive in which the previous backup of the job ( file) was saved
ErrorBackupVsPreBackup The column only contains a value if an error occurred during the comparison Previous backup ↔ Backup.
WarningBackupVsPreBackup The column only contains a value if a warning was issued during the comparison Previous backup ↔ Backup.
ExecutingServer Server on which the job was executed
TimestampJobStartLocal Timestamp from the start of the job execution (local time)
TimestampJobStartUTC Timestamp from the start of the job execution (UTC)
TimestampUploadStartLocal Timestamp from the start of the upload (local time)
TimestampUploadStartUTC Timestamp from start of Upload (UTC)
TimestampUploadEndLocal Timestamp from end of upload (local time)
TimestampUploadEndUTC Timestamp from end of upload (UTC)
TimestampCompareStartLocal Timestamp from the start of the comparison (local time)
TimestampCompareStartUTC Timestamp from the start of the comparison (UTC)
TimestampCompareEndLocal Timestamp from the end of the comparison (local time)
TimestampCompareEndUTC Timestamp from the end of the comparison (UTC)
TimestampJobEndLocal Timestamp from the end of the job execution (local time)
TimestampJobEndUTC Timestamp from the end of the job execution (UTC)
Source Source, from which the backup originates. The values MainServer and BackupClient are most frequently output here.
WhoToNotifyNames Names of the users who are to be notified about job executions. Multiple names are separated by commas. This column is only displayed if the sending of emails about job executions is configured.
WhoToNotifyEMails Email addresses of users to be notified about job executions. Multiple email addresses are separated by commas. This column is only displayed if the sending of emails for job executions is configured.
WhoToNotifyAdditional Email addresses of Users who do not have a versiondog account but should still be notified about job executions. Multiple email addresses are separated by commas. This column is only displayed if the sending of emails for job executions is configured.