Exporting job results with differences
Exports of the JobReport type contain an overview of the jobs for which differences were detected or errors occurred during execution.
The export can be output either as a CSV or JSON file.
In addition to the keys described in the Parameter file section, the parameter file can also contain the following keys specifically for this export.
Key | Description | Values |
Dir | Relative path of the part of the Project tree to be exported. Info: This key is ignored if a value is specified for ComponentID. | - No value: the entire Project tree is exported, with the exception of the directories and components to which the executing user has no access (default value) - Entry preceded by a backslash ("\"). The path of a component (with name) can also be entered. |
Example call
Parameter file exportJobReport.ini
Overview of the columns that appear in the resulting file
Column | Description |
Component | Name of the component (with its path in the Project tree) |
ComponentId | ID of the component (in GUID format) |
ComponentTypeId | ID of the component type (in GUID-Format) |
ComponentTypeName | Name of the component type |
JobId | ID of the job (in GUID format) |
JobName | Name of the job |
UploadClass | Upload type of the job |
WhoToNotify | List of users, who should be notified about the job execution |
WhoToNotifyNames | Names of the users who should be notified about job executions. Multiple names are separated by commas. This column is only displayed if the sending of emails about job executions is configured. |
WhoToNotifyEMails | Email addresses of users to be notified about job executions. Multiple email addresses are separated by commas. This column is only displayed if sending emails about job executions is configured. |
WhoToNotifyAdditional | Email addresses of users who do not have a versiondog account but should still be notified about job executions. Multiple email addresses are separated by commas. This column is only displayed if the sending of emails for job executions is configured. |
Execution | Execution status of the job. Values: 0: Not according to schedule, 1: According to schedule, 2: Via BackupClient. |
IpOrComputerName | IP address or computer name. The value is output depending on the upload class. |
UploadAgent | Computer name or IP address of the agent. This value is only specified if an upload agent is assigned to the job. |
CompareAgent | Computer name or IP address of the agent. This value is only specified if a compare agent is assigned to the job. |
PendingResultCountDueUnequal | Number of job executions since differences were detected between the version on the device and the version on the server. |
PendingResultCountDueError | Number of job executions since an error occurred in the upload process. |
LastEqualDetection (local) | Date on which no differences were last detected between the version on the device and the version on the server (local time). |
LastEqualDetection (UTC) | Date on which no differences were last detected between the version on the device and the version on the server (UTC). |
NextStart (local) | Time of the next job start (local time) |
NextStart (UTC) | Time of the next job start (UTC) |
JobStart (local) | Time at which the job execution was started (local time) |
JobStart (UTC) | Time at which the job execution was started (UTC) |
JobFinish (local) | Time at which the job execution was finished (local time) |
JobFinish (UTC) | Time at which the job execution was finished (UTC) |
TimeStamp Backup (local) | TimeStamp of the backup (local time) |
TimeStamp Backup (UTC) | TimeStamp of the backup (UTC) |
TimeStamp PreBackup (local) | TimeStamp of the previous backup (local time) |
TimeStamp PreBackup (UTC) | TimeStamp of the previous backup (UTC) |