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File server.ini

Section AccessLog

In the [AccessLog] section, the following keys can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
LogMode Basic setting, if and how remote access to the server will be logged. Logfiles will be stored in server archive in folder VD$A\Logs\access\ disabled: disabled, RollByDate: one logfile per day, RotateBySize: logfile and its backups will be rotated while growing over configurable size. RollByDate
MaxFileSize Maximum size in kb an access logfile can get before it’s rotated. Applies only to setting RotateBySize. On 0 no rotation is performed, logfile will grow without limit. Maximum size in kb or 0 for no rotation 0
MaxBackupIndex Number of backups, the logfiles will rotate through. Applies only to setting RotateBySize. Most actual backup is always named with .1 appended. Files whose index would get bigger than MaxBackupIndex will be deleted. Valid values are 0 to 32. 0 means no backup files will be created. 0

Section BackupClient

In the [BackupClient] section, the following key can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
5529 Specifies how many days may elapse between the last synchronization and the execution of the job in the BackupClient. After this period, the job must be synchronized again in order to be executed. 1 ... 300 30

Section Common

In the [Common] section, the following keys can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
5500 Specifies the path of the Directory for temporary files. RootDirAdmin: Path within the server archive ( vdServerArchive\VD_TMP_VD or vdClientArchive\VD_TMP_VD, TEMP_DIR_OS: Path of the temporary directory defined for the User in the operating system, {Drive}:\{Directory name}) RootDirAdmin
5501 Specifies the language for the Server. {language abbreviation} e.g. DE/EN/CZ/IT Empty string
5502 Specifies whether mixed directory structures (project in project) are possible. Y/N N
5503 Specifies the available memory space in MB, below which a warning is issued. 128 ... 1048576 10240
5504 Specifies the available memory space in MB, below which an error message is issued. 64 ... 1048576 1024
5508 Specifies the root directory for project data if project data and metadata are to be saved separately. {Path to root directory} If no value is specified, project data and metadata are not separated from each other and have the same root directory. Empty string
5511 Specifies the minimum number of characters that must be specified as a comment when creating a new version. 0 ... 255 0
5512 Specifies whether an email is sent when a warning or error occurs. Y/N N
5522 Specifies whether the JobResults.fdb database is stored on a remote share by default. Y/N N
5525 Specifies the time period in seconds after which an Upload and Comparison is canceled. 900 ... 7200 1800
5535 Specifies the time period in minutes after which the activation of Maintenance mode is canceled. 1 ... 360 2
5537 Specifies the separator for CSV files. {string} The list separator set by default in your Windows system under "Time and region" > "Change date, time or number format" > "Other settings" > "List separator"
5538 Specifies how often the attempt to back up the files in the local server archive is repeated. 0 ... 60 1
5539 Specifies whether individual archives may be deleted from the version history of a component. Y/N N
5543 Specifies whether only the current server or both servers and the synchronization status are displayed in the System dashboard in parallel server operation. Y: Only the current Server is displayed. N: Both servers and the synchronization status are displayed. Y
5544 Specifies whether all local data should be deleted from the client archive when the client is closed. Y/N N
5545 Specifies whether the offline help is opened and the "What's new" help page is displayed during the first login after installation or an update. Y/N Y
5564 Specifies whether databases are backed up to the directory for temporary files (key 5500) before migration (during an update). Y/N Y
5572 Specifies the IDs of the users who should receive emails when an error occurs and is written to the Event log. {Base64-List} Group of administrators
5582 Specifies whether a warning is issued if local changes are detected during Check-Out that have not yet been versioned. 0: A warning is always issued. 1: The warning can be deactivated by the user. 2: No warning is issued. 1
TimeoutAgentUpdateInMinutes Specifies a timeout for the automatic update of the agents during a server update. Number (in minutes) 10
5598 Enables the creation of the Audit.log file Y/N N

Section Compare

In the [Compare] section, the following key can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
7003 Specifies the maximum number of differences that are searched for and displayed during a comparison. 64 ... 16384 512

Section CsVExport

In the [CsVExport] section, the following key can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
MaskingPolicy Specifies the masking method for cells of exported CSV files. BasicIfRequired, BasicAlways, FullIfRequired, FullAlways BasicIfRequired

Examples for possible masking methods

Initial value BasicIfRequired BasicAlways FullIfRequired FullAlways
a a "a" a '"a"
a"a "a""a" "a""a" "'a""a" "'a""a"
a,a "a,a" "a,a" "'a,a" "'a,a"
a'a a'a "a'a" "'a'a" "'a'a"
a;a a;a "a;a" "'a;a" "'a;a"
=a =a "=a" "'=a" "'=a"
+a +a "+a" "'+a" "'+a"
-a -a "-a" "'-a" "'-a"
@a @a "@a" "'@a" "'@a"

Section GxP

If the license covers the GxP feature, in the [GMP] section, the following keys can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
5550 Electronic signature for the versioning process Y/N N (disabled)
5551 Electronic signature for the Check-In process Y/N N (disabled)

Section QuickSave

In the [QuickSave] section, the following keys can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
5560 Specifies whether Quicksaves can be created in the UserClient. Y/N N
5561 Specifies the maximum number of Quicksaves. If the maximum number is reached, the oldest Quicksave is deleted as soon as a new one is created. 0 ... 214748367 5

Section Scheduler

In the [Scheduler] section, the following keys can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
9854 Specifies the date on which the next email with job results is to be sent by the server. The date is specified as the number of days from the start of the count on 01/01/1970. Number 0
9858 Specifies the path of the log file for the Scheduler. Path Empty string

Section Scripting

In the [Scripting] section, the following keys can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
12670 Specifies whether the checksum of the scripts should be created/checked for each Server synchronization synchronization. Y/N N
12671 Specifies whether scripts should be executed on the server. Y/N N
12672 Specifies whether scripts should be executed on the clients. Y/N N
12673 Specifies the time period in minutes after which the execution of a server script is aborted. 1 ... 720 15
12674 Specifies the time period in minutes after which the execution of a client script is canceled. 1 ... 120 15

Section Server synchronization

In the [Server synchronization] section, the following keys can be configured:

Key Description Values Default value
12650 Specifies whether the server synchronizes with another server in parallel server mode. Y/N N
12651 Specifies the maximum packet size for data traffic between the servers during Server synchronization. 1024 ... 64512 64512
12652 Specifies the waiting time between two packets for the data traffic between the servers during Server synchronization. 0 ... 1000 0
12653 Specifies the time period in minutes in which the availability of the synchronization partner is checked. 0 ... 60 5
12655 Specifies the maximum number of open synchronization jobs from which a server is put into Maintenance mode if the synchronization partner cannot be reached. 5000 ... 50000 5000
12658 Specifies whether the takeover of job execution by the synchronization partner is deactivated in the event of server failure. Y: If the server fails, the jobs assigned to it are not taken over by the synchronization partner.
N: If the server fails, the jobs assigned to it are taken over by the synchronization partner.
12659 Specifies the time period in minutes since the last login/termination of a client, within which an attempt is made to use the same server from a parallel server set when logging on to a client again. 1 ... 1440 60
12660 Specifies the time period in minutes after which an error message is sent if the parallel server is not available. 1 ... 1440 0