General sections of the interface file
Interface file
When an event occurs that has a corresponding script interface, an interface file is generated. This file serves as an initialization resource, providing script applications with details about the component, its status, and the user who triggered the event. The interface file follows the INI format and is encoded in UTF-16.
Structure of the interface file
The interface file consists of various sections and keys, some of which are common across all events, while others are specific to individual events.
A complete list of general sections and keys is provided below, and you can find event-specific details in their respective descriptions.
Key | I/O | Description |
RootDirAdmin | I | Full path of the directory with the administration files of versiondog. This key is not specified for the BeforeUpload and AfterUpload events. |
DirPrjData | I | Full path of the directory containing the project files. This key is not specified for the BeforeUpload and AfterUpload events. |
Language | I | ID of the language that is set in versiondog (e.g. en or more precisely en-gb, en-us, de-de, fr-fr, etc.) |
ComputerName | I | Name of the computer on which the script application is executed Format: [Domain].ComputerName For client-side events, the name of the client is specified. For server-side events, the name of the server is specified. |
DirTemp | I | Full path of the directory in which script applications store temporary data. Each script application must delete temporary data independently. All script applications share a directory for temporary data. It must therefore be possible to clearly assign subdirectories and files to ensure that script applications only delete their own temporary data. |
PathLog | I | Full path of the directory in which the logged information is stored. Some script applications make this information available to the entire system. Each script application must delete this data independently. |
TimeOutInMin | I | Time to time-out in minutes. Warning: If the value set here is exceeded, the script application is closed immediately and without notification. |
Licence | I | Information about the functions contained in the license |
PathExeVdog | I | Full path of the application that called the script application (e.g. C:\Program Files\vdog\VDogClient.exe or the path to the server application) |
SilentMode | I | Indicates whether the script application may request input from the user (e.g. via messages) Y: No input may be requested. N: Input may be requested. This does not mean that the script application actually requests input. The default value is Y for server-side and N for client-side script applications. |
Some script applications do not support this section.
Key | I/O | Description |
Dir | I | Relative path of the component directory. The path begins with a backslash. There is no backslash at the end of the path. |
ID | I | Component ID |
ComponentTypeId | I | Component type ID |
MasterData1 | I | Content of the first master data field |
MasterData2 | I | Content of the second master data field |
MasterData3 | I | Content of the third master data field |
MasterData4 | I | Content of the fourth master data field |
MasterData5 | I | Content of the fifth master data field |
MasterData6 | I | Content of the sixth master data field |
MasterData7 | I | Content of the seventh master data field |
MasterData8 | I | Content of the eighth master data field |
MasterData9 | I | Content of the ninth master data field |
MasterData10 | I | Content of the tenth master data field |
Some script applications do not support this section.
Key | I/O | Description | Values |
ID | I | User ID | A 32-character string |
Name | I | User name | |
FullName | I | Full user name. The key is only specified if the name is defined in the User Management module. | |
Domain | I | Domain in which the user is logged in. | |
EmailAddress | I | Email address as stored in the user information (or empty if no email address is set). | |
LocalLogon | I | Shows whether the user is logged in locally or on the server. | Y: The user is logged in locally. N: The user is logged in on the server. |
Admin | I | Shows whether the user belongs to the administrators group. | Y: The user is part of the administrators group. N: The user is not part of the administrators group. |
Groups | I | IDs of the groups to which the user belongs. | 32-character strings, separated by commas |
Some script applications do not support this section. In some script applications, this section is named differently.
This section includes user-related details only if the user can be identified and their information successfully retrieved. If this is not possible, the following keys will remain empty:
- UserName
- UserFullName
- UserDomainName
- UserEmailAddress
Key | I/O | Description |
Hversion | I | Version number |
HversionUserDefined | I | User-defined version number |
TimeStampUtc | I | Time of versioning in UTC time format (YYYYMMDDHHHMMSS) |
TimeStampLocal | I | Time of versioning in local time format (YYYYMMDDHHHMMSS) |
Comment | I | Comment on this version Line breaks (LF, CR, CRLF) are converted to <br> . |
ChangeReason | I | Reason for change for this version Line breaks (LF, CR, CRLF) are converted to <br> . |
UserId | I | ID of the user who created the version as a string of 32 characters. |
UserName | I | Name of the user who created the version. |
UserFullName | I | Full name of the user who created the version. The key is only specified if the name is set in the User Management module. |
UserDomainName | I | Domain in which the user is logged in. |
UserEmailAddress | I | Email address as stored in the user information (or empty if no email address is set). |
ComputerName | I | Name of the computer on which the version was created. |
DnameStorage | I | Name of the subdirectory in which the archive of the version is stored, in the format YYYYMMDD.{NNN} |
State | I | Lock status of the version/archive |
This section is only available if a Quicksave of the component has been restored.
Key | I/O | Description | Values |
Enabled | I | Indicates whether Quicksaves are enabled for this component. | Y: Quicksaves are enabled. N: Quicksaves are disabled. If no value is specified for this key, the system assumes N as the value. |
Dir | I | Relative path of the component directory, starting with a backslash. There is no backslash at the end of the path. This key is only specified if the Enabled key has the value Y. | |
ID | I | Component ID This key is only specified if the Enabled key has the value Y. |
Key | I/O | Description |
UserID | I | ID of the user who has locked the component for other users, as a 32-character string. If no value or a zero value is specified, the component is not locked. |
UserName | I | Name of the user who has locked the component for other users. |
UserFullName | I | Full name of the user who has locked the component for other users. The key is only specified if the name is defined in the User Management module. |
DomainName | I | Domain in which the user is logged in. |
EmailAddress | I | Email address as stored in the user information (or empty if no email address is set). |
ComputerName | I | Name of the computer from which the component was locked for other users |
TimeStampUtc | I | Time at which the component was set to this status, in UTC time format (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) |
TimeStampLocal | I | Time at which the component was set to this status, in local time format (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) |
Key | I/O | Description |
UserId | I | ID of the user who has marked the component as In Under development as string with 32 characters. If no value is entered or if a zero value is entered, the component is not marked as Under development. |
UserName | I | Name of the user who has marked the component as Under development |
UserFullName | I | Full name of the user who has marked the component as Under development. The key is only specified if the name is defined in the User Management module. |
DomainName | I | Domain in which the user is logged in. |
EmailAddress | I | Email address as stored in the user information (or empty if no email address is set). |
ComputerName | I | Name of the computer from which the component was marked as Under development |
TimeStampUtc | I | Time at which the component was set to this status, in UTC time format (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) |
TimeStampLocal | I | Time at which the component was set to this status, in local time format (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) |
Key | I/O | Description |
ComputerName | I | Computer name and, if applicable, the associated domain of the computer from which it was checked out or checked in. |
IpAddress | I | IP address of the computer from which it was checked out or checked in. |
Key | I/O | Description |
ErrorText | O | Indicates whether the script application was terminated with an error and an error message was issued. Messages block programs until they have been acknowledged. They should therefore not be used for server-side script applications. If the value <na> is specified, no error message is written. |
Warnings | O | Shows whether the script application was terminated with a warning. |