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The following table contains a list of the available Commands.

Commands Description
abort.ifdateequal Aborts the execution of the script if the last two backups have no differences
abort.ifemptyvar Aborts the execution of the script if the passed variable is empty
abort.ifexitcode Aborts the execution of the script if the exit code is !=0
call Starts another application (with arguments)
dir.clear* Deletes the contents of a folder
dir.copy* Copies a folder
dir.create* Creates a new folder
dir.delete* Deletes a folder (with content)
done* When using the BeforeUpload script interface, indicates that the backup has already been created by the script
dump.string* Outputs a string in the DbgViewer
exit.fbackgroundcheck* Terminates the execution of the script if the script event occurred during a background check
exit.ifemptyvar Terminates the execution of the script if the passed variable is empty
file.append* Writes information to a file
file.copy* Copies a file
file.create* Creates a new file
file.delete* Deletes a file
file.deleteold* Deletes old files
log.string* Writes a string to the log file of versiondog
log.warning* Writes a warning to the log file of versiondog
ping* Pings a network address
provideArchive* Provides the master and slave archive unpacked when using the BeforeCompare script interface.
provideBackup* Provides the last Backup unpacked when using the BeforeUpload script interface.
semaphore.enter* Defines access to critical logic areas
unzip* Unpacks a ZIP archive
useTempWorkdirM & useTempWorkdirS* Creates temporary working directories for the master and slave data for a comparison
warning.ifdateequal Issues a warning if the last two backups have no differences