Creating jobs
For a job, you can also use the Upload boot project option in the job settings to save the boot project and compare it with the data from the runtime. This allows you to check whether the runtime that is executed on the IPC was created from the boot project in the memory (see step 7). If the Project Sources checkbox is activated in the TwinCAT subprojects (in TwinCat XAE), the runtimes are saved in the Backup with (uploading is carried out via the Enable configuration function).
For information on the requirements for creating a job, see configuring BECKHOFF TwinCAT V2: versiondog or configuring BECKHOFF TwinCAT V3: versiondog.
The backup can only be edited if you have also copied all Project Sources to the controller.
Configuring jobs for TwinCAT devices
Do not encrypt
If Secure ADS is enabled (when adding the route) for TwinCAT 3, the upload will fail. Upload is only possible if the connection is not encrypted.
- Start the AdminClient and open the Jobs module.
- Select your TwinCAT component in the Project tree.
- Select the Create button in the menu bar or drag and drop the component into the Jobs area.
- Configure the job in the Job configuration.
- If not automatically preset, select the Upload type from the dropdown menu.
Make the following settings in the TwinCAT settings section:
In the Project for which the upload is to take place if there are several projects.
Only projects that are contained in the selected component and are checked in on the server are displayed here.
Activate the Upload boot project option if an upload of the boot project is also to be carried out.
- Enter the name or IP address of the IPC in the Device line.
- Enter the AMS Net ID of the IPC in the AMS Net ID line.
- TwinCAT V2: In the Runtime system Id line, select from which Runtime on the IPC an upload is to be executed.
TwinCAT V3: The runtimes are displayed for selection under Runtime system. Select the desired runtime.
If you select
as the runtime system, the backup is recoverable with TwinCat3.
Make the following settings in the Advanced section:
If required, the Sleep between packets can be extended or shortened. This affects the duration of the process, the network load and the resource utilization. - Save the job and test it with Execute selected jobs once.
You can implement further settings for jobs of this upload type in the AdminClient in the Global settings dialog.