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Configuring comparisons

The CognexSensors comparator performs the Comparison of the following files for Cognex DataMan (barcode readers only):

  • Configuration files (*.cfg)
  • Configuration files (*.cdc)
  • Plain text files for Comparison (*.cfg.txt)
  • Plain text files for Comparison (*.cdc.txt)

The following actual values are excluded from comparison:

If CAMERA.AUTO-REGULATION returns the value ON, CAMERA.EXPSURE-US, CAMERA.EXPOSURE and CAMERA.GAIN must be ignored. These values exist in every Read Setup.

Starting the successful Read Setup:

If SETUP.START-WITH-LAST-READ returns the value ON, then the reader starts a new trigger cycle. In the case, the value of SETUP.START-WITH-SETUP must be excluded from the Comparison.

Match String +++/-:

It is possible to set the data validation via a comparison string with an increasing or decreasing number (e.g. part000, part001, part002). If the first returned value of DVALID.MATCH-STRING-PARAMS returns the value ON, then the value of DVALID.MATCH-STRING changes. In this case, the value of DVALID.MATCH-STRING must be excluded from the comparison.

The following restrictions apply to the comparison:

  • The contents of DMB files cannot be compared.
  • Comparison of DMB, CDC and CFG files is only possible in binary form.
  • The text files contained in the backup of a device can be compared. They cannot be generated from projects.
  • Disaster recovery is possible with CDC and CFG files. A DMB file contains CDC and CFG files.