Creating images with Drive Snapshot
If data is corrupted or even completely lost, it is usually very annoying. If you want to avoid such trouble, you should make regular backup copies. There are a number of programs on the market that create an exact image of your hard disk or part of it (= partition) and save it in a specified location. The saved image is called an image. An image can be used to quickly restore important data in the event of a problem.
versiondog supports the creation of images with Drive Snapshot from Tom Ehlert Software.
A licensed version of the Drive Snapshot program is required. For more information about this product see Snapshot - Trialware Download.
For operating systems that are not supported by versiondog (Windows NT for example), in addition to Drive Snapshot, the tool PsExec is required. PsExec allows you to start processes on any computer within the network, provided you have the necessary permissions. This tool is available online free of charge.