Integrating projects
Emerson PAC Machine Edition uses a central repository to manage projects. This results in some special features in the collaboration between Emerson PAC Machine Edition and versiondog. For example, the folder, in which new projects are created, is defined by the editor. This means that a new project cannot be created directly in a component, but must always be moved before it can be managed in versiondog. Some files must remain in the central repository to avoid errors.
Integrate new and existing projects
- Create a new component in the UserClient. Select Proficy Machine Edition in the GE directory as the component type.
In Windows Explorer, go to the folder in which your Emerson PAC Machine Edition project is stored.
Normally this is:
C:\Program Files\Proficy\ProficyMachineEdition\SecurWORX\Local\FrameworX\{Project name}
orC:\User\Public\Documents\Emmerson\PME\SecurWORX\Local\FrameworX\{Project name}
. If the working directory cannot be found under one of the paths mentioned, you can search for it by searching for with the file extension .SwxCF. -
Copy the project file (SwxCF) into the working directory of the previously created component. To do this, drag and drop the project file into the component in the Project tree.
If other files are copied in addition to the project file, errors may occur.
In the UserClient, select the Proficy Machine Edition component in the Project tree and click on the Create base version and Check-In button.
From now on, the Open with editor function can be used to open and edit the project directly from the UserClient.
You can customize the Proficy Machine Edition component type in the AdminClient in the Component type editor module.
Integrate previously exported projects
If an Emerson PAC Machine Edition project has been exported from the editor to a ZIP archive, the project cannot be inserted directly into versiondog. First, the project must be restored in the archive using the Emerson PAC Machine Edition editor. Then copy the project file (SwxCF) into a component created for this purpose, as described in steps 1 - 4 above.
The Emerson PAC Machine Edition project is now integrated and can be managed and versioned.
Changes to the project are only visible in versiondog after the editor has been closed.