Components in the _Universal directory
versiondog supports the management of documents created with the most commonly used editors for documentation. You can find the following component types with an integrated comparator in the _Universal folder.
- ASCII: The comparator of the ASCII component type (text comparator) supports all file formats. Supported file encodings include Utf8, Utf16LE, Utf16BE, Ansi and ASCII.
- Binary: The comparator of the Binary component type supports all file formats.
- Json: The comparator of the Json component type supports valid JSON files with Utf8 encoding.
- WindowsINI: The comparator of the WindowsINI component type supports the file format INI.
- XML: The comparator of the XML component type supports valid files in the XML format.
If you want to store several different documents in one component, you have the following component types with several integrated comparators to choose from:
- Documentation: The comparator of the Documentation component type supports the file formats htm, htm?, log, txt, csv, xls, xls?, xlt, xlt?, pdf, doc, doc?, dot, dot? and rtf. The question mark ? stands for all possible endings of the respective file format (Existing comparators: Binary, ASCII, Excel, PDF and Winword).
- Software: The comparator of the component type Software supports all file formats and additionally txt and pdf (Existing comparators: Binary, ASCII and PDF).
Integration features
- Detailed comparison for all documents (version comparison)
- Automatic detection of differences between changes in the document and the current version on the server (backup detailed comparison, version and backup detailed comparison)
- Clear presentation of complete change history
- Automated backup in the form of jobs