INI files

In octoplant, certain settings can be done via the INI files.


Editing INI files

  1. Start the AdminClient, click on the modul INI files.
  2. The dialog Edit INI files will open.
  3. Select the appropriate INI file and click on the button Edit.
  4. In the case that the required INI file is not available in the INI files dialog, you can create it with the file manager in the server archive.

  5. In the INI file, select the section for the device type for which you want to make settings. If the section is not present, create it.
  6. Create the desired setting using the format <Key>=<Value>.
  7. Example:

    5509=D:\\vdServerArchive\vdog client setup
    5521=D:\\vdServerArchive\vdog agent setup

  8. The settings that you have undertaken in the INI files in AdminClient will be automatically applied by the client applications as soon as a user logs on to the server or the client application has been updated with the server.

Examples for the file ClientConfigUpdate.ini

By deleting the entry in the file ClientConfigUpdate.ini, this will not delete it from the client's INI files. In order to deactivate an entry from an INI file, the corresponding entry must be preceded by "-".

Please keep in mind that entries in the file ClientConfigUpdate.ini are correct! If this is not the case, the function of the clients may be affected.

Device-specific upload types

Device-specific settings are also still available for the individual upload classes. These settings can be found in the tutorial for the corresponding device. It contains the name and path to the INI file that needs to be edited, the section, the key, possible values and default values.

I have changed the settings in the INI files. octoplant is no longer working. What should I do?


If octoplantno longer works when settings have been added to the INI files, the files were most likely saved with the coding UTF-8 using BOM. In order to make octoplant workable again, save the INI files using another coding. To save INI files using the coding UTF-16 with BOM, edit the file using an editor to enable this setting, for example, Notepad ++.

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Can I configure client computers through the octoplantserver?


Client computers can be configured in the AdminClient. In the AdminClient, open the module INI Files then the file ClientConfigUpdate.ini. Here, you can select the settings for one or all client computers (see examples). For example, you have the option to adapt certain workflows to schedules at your company.

Example: you want that to delete components after every Check-In on client computers.

Add the following entry under [Configuration\Client.ini|[ClientConfigUpdate.ini]


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How can I activate tooltips?


Tooltips are disabled by default. If you want to enable the tooltips, make the following settings:

  1. In Windows Explorer in the client archive, open the file Client.ini.
    (Path: <Drive:>\vdClientArchive\VD$A\Configuration\Client.ini)

  2. In the section [Common], enter the key 5601 with the value Y:


Setting for all available clients:

  1. Start the AdminClient and click on the menu INI Files.

  2. The dialog Edit INI files will open.

  3. Select the file ClientConfigUpdate.ini and search for or add the section [Configuration\Client.ini|Common].

  4. Enter the key 5601 with the value Y:




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Related topics
Configuration via INI files