FAQ list

FAQs on server installation

  1. Installation of octoplant server fails. What could be the reason for this?
  2. The time on the system has been changed to daylight savings time and now all files have a pencil symbol displayed next to them (which usually indicates that changes have been made)
  3. What do I need to do to restart the octoplant system after a server failure?
  4. How do I fix NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID errors?

FAQs on installing clients

  1. Why are some symbols not being displayed correctly?
  2. Is the data transfer between octoplant client and server encrypted?
  3. How can I change the location for the client archive?
  4. How do I ensure each user has a unique vdClientArchive in octoplant on a shared system?

  5. When trying to connect to the server from a client, why does the attempt fail with the error message: "The authenticity of host xxx cannot be established. The fingerprint of the certificate is "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00". Please contact support or your system administrator."?
  6. Is it possible to automate the login of octoplant (UserClient, AdminClient)?
  7. When I try logging onto a octoplant client, the process fails with the following error message: "Error calling a remote function [Function: CSC_OSAPI_SmartUpdate] [ID 30320]", but when I tested the connection all ports are displayed with a green tick. What could be the reason for this?

  8. How do I fix NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID errors?

FAQs on Upload and Compare Agents

  1. When running the agent or testing the connection to the agent, the following error message is displayed: "Error calling a remote function (function: CSC_FUNC_ID_COMMON_AuthenticateToken)". What does this mean?

  2. How do I create an administrator account for the MasterService or for the VDog UploadAgent/VDog CompareAgent services?

FAQs on data backup and data recovery

  1. How can I manually delete the contents of the server archive temporary directory (<Drive>:\vdServerArchive\VD_TMP_VD)?

FAQs on working with AdminClient

  1. Some time ago I requested and received a license file (license.json). The file was saved properly, but remained unused for some time. When trying to renew my octoplant license using the said file, an error message is now displayed stating that the selected octoplant license has expired. How is this possible?
  2. I have changed the settings in the INI files. octoplant is no longer working. What should I do?
  3. Can I configure client computers through the octoplant server?
  4. How can I activate tooltips?
  5. Should I select in AdminClient -> Component type editor -> Detect changes by timestamp or checksum? How will this have an effect on system performance? Do I need to keep the file size in mind?
  6. What happens if I delete a user that has checked-in versions? Will octoplant prevent me from deleting the user? Will the versions that said user checked-in be deleted as well?
  7. Why am I not able to send emails through the octoplant server?

Active Directory Binding

  1. SSL encrypted connection to Active Directory server fails with an error message. How can I resolve this problem?
  2. How can I import a certificate on the octoplant server or check its availability?

FAQs on jobs

  1. Is it possible to start a job outside of octoplant?
  2. Can I set up the octoplant server to back up one device after the other (never multiple devices at once)?
  3. Where do I find a 32 character job ID (and how can I copy it into the clipboard)?
  4. Why does a job fail to run successfully and end in an error even though an agent is installed and an upload job is properly configured?
  5. Why do I get a license-related message when I create, change, copy, or execute jobs?
  6. Why are jobs running so slowly?

FAQs on working with UserClient

  1. When trying to print from the UserClient, the error message No installed printer was found in the system is displayed. What can be done here?

  2. During Check-In, the following error message is displayed: "[Name: GetDiskFreeSpaceEx] [Info: <Directory>] [Note: Access denied]". How can I resolve this problem?
  3. Is it possible to reduce the duration of the process for creating a version? If so, how is it done?
  4. In our company the projects from the vdServerArchive are listed on a web platform. Is it possible to edit these projects directly on this platform?
  5. How can I change the maximum number of differences that are displayed when versions are compared?
  6. How can an administrator centrally set octoplant so that the lock state Under development or Lock for other users is preselected on Check-Out?
  7. How can a user set the lock state for the options Under development and Lock for other users so that they are preselected on Check-Out?
  8. How can I filter the change history to only show the versions of the component a certain element was modified in?
  9. How can I calculate the packed size or the size of the components afterwards?

FAQs on octoplant Gateway

  1. octoplant Gateway cannot be started. What could be the reason?
  2. Why does the connection to devices that are accessed using the H1 protocol fail, even though the INAT H1 driver is installed?

FAQs on device-independent upload types

Components in the folder Universal

  1. Configuring the ASCII comparator: I have specified the lines that I want to exclude by entering their line numbers, so why are they still displayed during the comparison?
  2. I executed a Check-In of a component that is a Documentation component type and while doing so a dialog "Unversioned changes in working directory" pops up, informing that "these unversioned changes will not be copied to the server”. What changes are referred to here and how can I resolve this problem?

Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel

  1. The comparison of a component (component type Word) with password protected content ends in an error. How can this be resolved?
  2. The comparison of a component (component type Excel) with password protected content ends in an error. How can this be resolved?

Upload type FTP

  1. When I create a backup using a backup job with the upload class FTP, an error arises. How can this be resolved?

Upload type UNC

  1. UNC job: How can I correct the error message: “Error connecting to target system” [ID384]"?

FAQs on device support

B&R Automation Studio

  1. The B&R Automation Studio project cannot be opened in B&R Automation Studio editor using octoplant. What is the reason for this and how can I resolve this problem?
  2. The B&R editor does not open in the desired language when double-clicking on a project or when opened from octoplant. How can I change the language?

Emerson PAC Machine Edition

  1. Why did the GE Proficy job fail?

FANUC robots

  1. Is there a component type for FANUC robots?
  2. Why do problems occur when backing up the program directory of FANUC robots?

RSLogix 5

  1. Why does the upload freeze when I upload a password protected RSLogix 5 project?

RSLogix 500

  1. Why does the upload freeze when I upload a password protected RSLogix 500 project?


  1. Why do errors #30401 or #31102 occur when I attempt to create a version for an S5 project for Windows?


  1. Restoring an S7 project that contains F-blocks fails with an error message. How to proceed?
  2. When accessing the S7 controller using the IBH-Link, an error occurs. How to proceed?
  3. Why is it not possible to create a new version although the SIMATIC S7 program has already been compiled several times?
  4. Why does Archive creation using SIMATIC Manager fail?


  1. Why does the comparison of my WinCC or WinCC flexible projects fail, even though an instance of SQL Server is installed?
  2. During the course of a backup executed by an upload and compare agent, the WinCC compare process terminates with errors. What do I have to change in order to run the comparison without errors?

Siemens SIMATIC WinCC flexible

  1. Why does the comparison of my WinCC flexible projects fail, even though an instance of SQL Server is installed?
  2. The process of creating a version while using a restricted Windows user account has failed. What do I have to do so that the comparison can be performed without errors?

Siemens SINAMICS converters

  1. Why does a SINAMICS upload job still end with the error message cancelled due to timeout even though the editor is correctly installed?

Siemens SINUMERIK 840D Operate

  1. How do I create backups of a SINUMERIK 840D Operate project if the HMI runs on a separate computer (PCU), and not on a NCU, and the connection fails?

Siemens TIA Portal

  1. Why am I getting a "Specify a valid license" failure error from TIA Portal v17 [and newer] after an attempted comparison?

FAQs on features

Image Service

  1. Various FAQs about working with the Image Service can be found in the corresponding tutorial in the Image Service FAQ section.

octoplant hub

  1. How do I see my database password? It used to be in config.yml but it's changed.

  2. Which certificate formats are supported? How is the path to the certificate or key specification to be made? Is the path specification relative or absolute?

  3. I've lost/forgotten the SuperAdmin password for the octoplant hub. What do I do?

Last updated: 22. March 2024