Creating jobs

The following needs to be taken into account for Siemens SINAMICS converter uploads:

How to configure jobs for Siemens SINAMICS converters:

  1. Start the AdminClient and open the Jobs module.
  2. In the Project tree, select the Simatic S7 component.
  3. In the menu tab, select Create or drag-and-drop the components into the Jobs section.
  4. Check in the section job configuration, if the upload type Sinamics is being displayed.
  5. Make sure the desired settings are in place for the following sections: General, Notification, Upload and compare, Create a version automatically after job run. The Notification and Create a version automatically after job run sections are only displayed if the necessary settings have been implemented.
  6. Configure the Sinamics settings.
    1. Select from the dropdown menu Project the SINAMIC project. This step is only required if more than one SINAMIC project is present in the component.

The backup created is identical to the project created by SINAMICS Editor. The result is suitable for detailed comparison, disaster recovery and further processing.

If a DCC plan folder is versioned and checked in the offline project and not copied to the SINAMICS converter (the folder is therefore not available online), the DCC plan folder will appear after execution of the backup job for the new version of the data stored in the new backup.


You can make further settings for jobs of this upload type in the AdminClient in the dialog Global Job settings

Why does a SINAMICS upload job still end with the error message cancelled due to timeout even though the editor is correctly installed?


For the SINAMICS upload job to run without errors, the following requirements must be met:

  • For the connection between editor and device, the interface in the editor must be set correctly.
  • The editor must have established an online connection with the device at least once.

To FAQ list


Related topics:
About octoplant -> Term Jobs
Upload and Compare agents
AdminClient -> Job configuration
AdminClient -> Adding additional job settings