Adding additional job settings

The Global settings for jobs button in the ribbon opens the Upload type specific configuration dialog. In this, you can make both global and upload type-specific settings for jobs. The settings in the General apply to all jobs. Additionally, for each upload type there is a tab where settings for jobs of this upload type can be made.

If the settings for an upload type differ from the global settings, the upload type-specific settings apply to the upload type.

Upload and Compare

The upload of large amounts of data is aborted by default after 30 minutes because of a timeout. Set the desired value in minutes in the field Maximum time for job execution (maximum 540 minutes). To adjust the timeout upload type specific, switch to the tab for the respective upload type and activate the checkbox Use specific timeout for this upload type. Then you can set the maximum time for job execution for this upload type.

Alternatively, you can adjust the upload type-specific timeout via the INI file Classes.ini (path in the corresponding server or agent archive: ..\VD$A\Configuration\Upload\Classes.ini). The value entered in the Upload type specific configuration window is taken into the INI file.

Use the Maximum number of results per job field to specify the maximum number of entries to be displayed in the UserClient in the Jobs tab (maximum 2000). This value can only be set globally for all upload types.

Automatic version creation after job execution

Using Enable automatic creation of a version, you can decide if you want a new version of a component creating automatically after each time a job has been executed.

Only if this checkbox is selected in both the General tab and the tab for the selected upload type will the section Create a version automatically after job run be displayed in the Job configuration area for jobs of this upload type. Here you can select from a drop-down list in which case a new version will be created automatically.

In the job configuration for components with Multi-User Editing, Create a version automatically after job run should be deactivated. Since no Check-Out is possible, the automatically created versions would only increase the memory requirements of the component directory without being able to be checked out and reused.

Email options for job execution

This section can only be configured globally.

From the Email mode drop-down menu, select when to send email about job executions.

If you have selected one of the options Job specific or Daily, the section Notification will be displayed in the Job configuration. Here, you can specify for each job who you want to be notified about its execution.

You can also set how often the email is resent in case of an error and then decide whether the sent email is formatted as HTML or plain text.

For Daily emails, you can also set a time at which you want the emails to be sent and if you want jobs either deactivated or with the result Equal to be displayed in the overview. The option Exclude equal and deactivated jobs from overview is deactivated by default.

Related topics
Job configuration
INI files
Creating new components with MultiUser Edit