Creating jobs

  1. Start the AdminClient and open the jobs module.
  2. In the Project tree, select the Simatic S7 component.
  3. In the menu tab, click on Create or drag-and-drop the components into the Jobs section.
  4. Check in the section job configuration, if the upload type SIMATIC S7 is being displayed.

  5. Make sure the desired settings are in place for the following sections: general, notification, upload and compare, create a version automatically after job run. The notification and create a version automatically after job run sections are only displayed if the necessary settings have been implemented.
  6. Configure the section SIMATIC S7 settings:
    1. Select the project that you want to execute a job for.
      You can only select projects that are checked-in in the selected component. If a project is present, this project will be automatically selected.
    2. In the Access path, select the access path that you want to use to communicate with the device
      Depending on your choice, other input fields for further configuration will be appear.
  7. Configure the Backup section.
    1. To reduce the strain on your resources and network, check the option Use timestamp check to reduce network traffic.
      If this option is checked, only new and edited program blocks are transferred. The latter one will be examined based on the timestamp. Program blocks with no changes are taken over from the previous backup.
    2. You need to decide which program blocks you do not want to be saved in the backup.
    3. In the dialog Edit excluded blocks, check the option Exclude system blocks if you do not want to save these program blocks (SBSs) in the SPS hardware configuration.
  8. Configure the section Advanced:
    1. Enable the option SIMATIC NET if SIMATIC NET was installed during the network transition and you wish to use this.
      This option is not available for all connections.
    2. You need to decide which TCP/IP-Port is going to provide the connection to the S7 controller.
      Port 102 is automatically preselected. If this port is already in use by another application, you will need to select another port. You may have to open the port in your firewall.
    3. Activate the Enter CPU password manually option to enter a password to gain reader access to a protected CPU.
      This option is only necessary if the password is not stored in the selected S7 project or if the option Increased password security (available from STEP 7 V5.5 SP4) is activated in the protection tab. The password in job configuration has priority over the S7 project password.
    4. You will need to decide how many retries you are willing to permit in the event that an upload fails.
      This can occur when the device attempts to access an already blocked block whilst executing a job. Saving is however still possible if the block has been unlocked during a retry. If this is not the case, the job with the error will be terminated. Values between 0 and 5 are possible.
    5. Adjust the network traffic resulting from the job. This can be done by configuring Sleep interval between data packets.
      Values between 0 and 5000 ms are possible.


You can make further settings for jobs of this upload type in the AdminClient by using the Global Job Settings dialog as well as the INI files.

Restoring an S7 project that contains F-blocks fails with an error message. How to proceed?

Error message:

"This program contains F blocks. For safety reasons, the restoration of F blocks is not enabled by default. It can be enabled if required. (Please contact your administrator.) All blocks except the F blocks will be restored."


A requirement for the complete restoration of an S7 project that contains F blocks is that the following section exists in the file AgentStation.ini in <vdClientArchive>\VD$A\Configuration\Upload:




The message will still be displayed when restoring a S7 project that contains F-blocks. You can however press OK to restore the complete project, including the F-blocks.

Please follow the instructions from Siemens for loading F-blocks and modules.


Related topics:
About octoplant -> Term Jobs
Upload and Compare agents
AdminClient -> Job configuration
Configuring the access path
AdminClient -> Adding additional job settings
INI files configuration