Executing jobs manually, stopping jobs, displaying job progression, deactivating a job

Execute selected jobs once: runs the selected job. Exception: if there are more than 5 jobs currently running, the selected jobs will be placed at the end of the queue. Even deactivated jobs will be executed once.

Stop selected jobs: the selected jobs are stopped immediately.
Show progress information: when a job is executed, information about the job’s progress is displayed at the same time in the Execution state column.

Deactivate selected jobs: jobs will no longer executed according to a schedule. Deactivation can be reversed by clicking on the button. Afterwards, the job will start again as scheduled.

When you select this button, a dialog will open, and you must specify a reason for the deactivation.

The jobs will be listed in the job list as deactivated.

If you hold the mouse over the entry deactivated, the reason for deactivation is displayed as a tooltip. The reason for deactivation will continue to be indicated by the ExportModule.


Why do I get a license-related message when I create, change, copy, or execute jobs?


Your license determines how many jobs you are allowed to create.

When the maximum amount of jobs has been reached, you will no longer be able to create any new jobs, copy previous jobs, execute save or unsaved jobs. Should you receive a notification about this, delete jobs that you no longer need or purchase an extension to your license. Please get in touch with your contact person at AUVESY-MDT.

To see how many jobs are available with your license, start the AdminClient and go to Licencing > Information > Jobs.

To see how many jobs have been created, start the AdminClient, go to the Jobs module, and select the root directory in the Project tree. The number of jobs is shown in the bottom left corner of the dialog.

To FAQ list


Why are jobs running so slowly?


Possible causes

If the Show progress information is selected, all execution steps (for every job that is running) are displayed one after the other in the Execution state column as text. If the status indicating multiple jobs is being shown, this will inhibit the server's performance.

Solution: Deselect the Show progress information button.

To FAQ list


Is it possible to start a job outside of octoplant?


Yes, it is possible to start a job outside of octoplant.


  • The job needs to be present in the Job configuration.

  • You need the 32-digit job ID.

For more information, see FAQ:

Where do I find a 32 character job ID (and how can I copy it into a clipboard)?


Proceed as follows to start the job once from outside octoplant:

  1. Create an XML file with the following content:

    	<Root FuncId="8">
    	<JobID>{The Job ID with exactly 32 characters}</JobID >
  2. Place the XML file on the server in the directory ..\\vdServerArchive\VD$A\Data\ToDos\External.


The job will be executed once. After that, the XML file is deleted.

Related topics

ExportModule -> Exporting job list