Data backup and restore

All data required for data recovery in the octoplant system is located in the server archive (directory vdServerArchive). It is recommended to back up the server archive regularly, especially before updating the system.

The server archive data can be backed up manually or automatically.

During the backup, the system must be shut down and will therefore not be available. We recommend that backups be made at off-peak times, e.g. overnight or on weekends.

How can I manually delete the contents of the server archive temporary directory (<Drive>:\vdServerArchive\VD_TMP_VD)?

Normally, octoplant automatically (and permanently) deletes the contents of the temporary server archive at each startup. Under certain circumstances, this automatic deletion may not be successful. If this occurs, it can be done manually.

You must close all clients and stop the VDog MasterService service before you can delete the contents of the <drive>:\vdServerArchive\VD_TMP_VD directory.

Related topics
octoplant System structure

In this tutorial:

Last update: 1 August 2023