OIDC (OpenID Connect) binding

OpenID is an easy and safe way for people to reuse an existing account and user profile from an identity provider. OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an interoperable authentication protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 framework of specifications.

Example Apple, Google, or Microsoft can sign-in to any OpenID-enabled application or website without creating a new registration and password.

How OIDC Works

The OpenID Connect protocol, in abstract, follows these steps:

  1. End user navigates to a website or web application via a browser.
  2. End user clicks sign-in and types their username and password.
  3. The RP (Client) sends a request to the OpenID Provider (OP).
  4. The OP authenticates the user and obtains authorization.
  5. The OP responds with an identity token and usually an access token.
  6. The RP can send a request with the access token to the User device.
  7. The UserInfo Endpoint returns claims about the End-User.

octoplant and OIDC

See the FAQ for more information about OIDC with octoplant.

octoplant without OAuth

Configuration without external token handling and ID provider:

octoplant with OAuth

Integration of ID provider including token handling:

octoplant with OAuth and CSC-Gateway

Integration of ID provider including token handling:

ID providers for use with octoplant

The following is a list of ID providers linked to instructions on how to implement in octoplant:

OIDC terms

Term Definition
access token In the OAuth 2.0 specification, an access token is an opaque key that allows a Relying Party (RP) client to access things on a resource server. In Connect, access tokens are JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) that enable access to the Connect's OIDC-based /userinfo endpoint and, depending on the scopes granted, potentially to other Connect APIs as well. They also represent the fact that a user has logged in to your application.
authorization code In the Authorization Code Grant flow, this is a one-time code that can be redeemed at Connect's token endpoint for OAuth 2.0 or OIDC tokens (for example, access token, refresh token , ID token).
authorization endpoint The HTTP endpoint used to initiate OAuth2.0 or OIDC grant flows. For Connect, this is /oidc/authorize.
authorization server OAuth 2.0 name for the entity that grants tokens to clients on behalf of a resource owner. Connect is an authorization server when a registered RP client uses it to obtain tokens. Equivalent to an issuer in OIDC terminology.
claim A piece of information about a user such as their email address. An RP client requests a set number of user claims from Connect by specifying the corresponding scopes in its initial request.
client OAuth 2.0 name for the part of your application which will request and use OAuth 2.0 tokens. Equivalent to Relying Party (RP) in OIDC terminology.
grant flow A particular sequence of interactions, initiated by an RP client, that ultimately ends with the granting of tokens. OAuth 2.0, OIDC, and their extension specifications, collectively define several different possible grant flows.
ID Token In the OIDC standard, a JWT issued by the authorization server (or issuer) asserting certain information (claims) about an end user.
issuer The entity that issues a JWT, such as Connect in the case of an ID Token. Equivalent to an authorization server in the original OAuth 2.0 standard.
OAuth 2.0 Authorization protocol built around access and refresh tokens that enable the transfer of resources between systems.
OpenID Connect (OIDC) Authentication layer built on top of OAuth 2.0. OIDC extends the OAuth 2.0 protocol to standardize user authentication and access to user information between systems. OpenID Connect enables an Internet identity ecosystem through easy integration and support, security and privacy-preserving configuration, interoperability, wide support of clients and devices, and enabling any entity to be an OpenID Provider (OP).
OpenID Provider (OP) Provides authentication of the user and authorizes the RP with an ID token and usually an access token.
protected resource In OAuth 2.0, any endpoint or resource that requires authorization (such as an access token) to access.
relying party (RP) OIDC name for the OAuth 2.0 client.
resource owner OAuth 2.0 name for the user, the entity (person) who owns the resource, where the resource in question is their ability to authorize access.
resource server OAuth 2.0 name for any entity which will accept access tokens and grant access to resources or perform actions. Connect is a resource server when you use access tokens to make requests on a user's behalf.
refresh token A token which can be used to obtain a fresh access token when the previous one has expired.
token endpoint The HTTP endpoint at which the authorization server grants tokens. For Connect, this is /oidc/token.

References Content in this tutorial is adapted from OpenID.

OpenID® copyright (c) 2013 The OpenID Foundation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Configuring Settings

Use Your Own Security Certificate

Last updated: 23 May 2024